This is perhaps what you get for 2.000.000 CAD and I appreciate the effort for this budget. There are to many whiners and self proclaimed directors in this forum, well children is probably more correct. Its really ridiculous listening to all these amateur kids put grades on lightning, dialog, acting and editing etc etc. You know nothing about film-making so STFU please. You impress no one with your rants, go play with your toys.The film is watchable and has some interesting features although nothing is entirely new. The spore theme has also been done before but its an interesting one. Spores actually has a relatively good survival expectancy even in space so its not at all far fetched that humans could come across a life form originating from spores. It must also be stressed that this is not a movie you should see before Alien. Its very important that you see Ridley Scotts classic before you see all the movies which has drawn inspiration from the masterpiece, including this one.
If ever a film had 'Made for TV' written all over it, it was 'Stranded,' - a film about four astronauts who, in the middle of a year-long stay on the moon, end up stranded there after an asteroid strike.On the plus side, the film certainly feels like you've been stuck in a bland, lifeless environment for the best part of a year. The sets look like they were cobbled together from the bridge of the (sixties TV show's) Starship Enterprise and the whole thing stinks of an episode of some generic sci-fi show like The Outer Limits which they've stretched out to fill the full ninety minutes.Once upon a time, Christian Slater was a star. Nowadays, his films go straight to DVD and, from there, into the bargain basement buckets you see by the checkouts at motorway service stations. There's nothing wrong with his performance here. He can act. There's just not much to do here. Yeah, there's some generic terror, but do we care? There are only four people in the cast and none of them have much in the way of backstories for us to get a flavour of what they're like.It's one of those films you can watch while you're doing something else. If you have ironing to do, bring the ironing board in, set it up, pop in and out to get spare hangers and catch the odd glimpse of the film. You won't miss much in the way of story. Alternatively, wait until it comes on the sci-fi channel - shouldn't be too long.
Stranded review. Somewhat compelling. Problems detected. No shields for Moon base. What are they mining for? Four people operate a mining operation, on the Moon. There's only one Moon base? The future has no carbon monoxide detectors. The Dr. can't tell the difference between a bite wound and a glass injury. No one cares about being covered in blood or possible infection. Zits! Bruce2 alien monster = dorky guy with a skin condition. Needed a cute little robot(mining robot had no lines). The communicators look a lot like a gadget flashlight I have. Apparently (according to Slater), the escape pod takes too long to prep in an EMERGENCY! No imaginary conversations with Elvis. Nice sets good acting. Fun to watch with friends. 6 out of 10.
The sets on display here (thankfully can only be seen at the beginning of the movie for a short period of time) are so bad, that you'd wish they'd have used a Lego set. Pretty sure that would've added more realism to the whole thing. Realism and being serious though being things that destroy this movie faster than an Ant's sneeze would take to destroy the "set". Just slightly faster though.While the interior is somewhat OK (compared to the exterior you could say a Quantum leap), this is not all that is wrong with the movie. There is also the plot. The thin thread that is holding together all the "action" and "excitement" you're about to witness. Slater obviously needs money and you do wonder (or I do), if that is still the same actor who I cherished from movies such as "True Romance". If the movie would just try to relish on how messed up it is and go for the "let's make fun of ourselves", it might have been somewhat entertaining. Unfortunately the only thing you might feel, is sorry for the actors ... Stay clear, for your own good