Storm Trooper

1998 "The ultimate cop... judge, jury and executioner all in one."
3.4| 1h26m| en| More Info
Released: 19 August 1998 Released
Producted By: Sunset Films International
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Shortly after murdering her abusive husband, a woman (Carol Alt) takes an injured stranger into her home. She soon discovers the stranger is a cyborg. He then persuades her to help him flee from a mysterious gang of armed men who soon …

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Leofwine_draca I'm surprised at the low rating for STORM TROOPER because I found it one of the better Jim Wynorski movies I've seen. The film is a mish-mash of genre staples and came out as a straight to video release in 1998. I thought the script was pretty interesting, starting out as a family drama of spousal abuse and revenge before surprising you by going somewhere completely different.The story has a woman sheltering an injured stranger at her house when a bunch of paramilitary types turn up and launch a siege. The rest of the film is full of low rent action and endless fight and kill scenes which are nicely filmed. There's a TERMINATOR-style twist in the tale which has to be seen to be believed, while Corey Feldman and Zach Galligan both feature lower down in the cast list in supporting roles. You could do a lot worse.
PhilipJames1980 Normally I don't bother wasting my time writing comments for junk like this that I forget almost as soon as I see it, but since I saw this movie just yesterday on one of the comcast Showtime channels (346, I think) I decided to make an exception.Besides the fact that I enjoyed watching Carol Alt, I can't give any rational reason why I watched this movie through to the end. I'm always amazed that good-looking women are willing to appear in awful movies like this, but I suppose she thought this movie would lead to something better. I hope she was right, for her sake.Otherwise, this is an all-too-typical straight-to-video laugh riot, or just a piece of garbage, depending on your point of view. While there are a few decent moments of action in this movie, they don't really connect well with the story, such as it is.The setup, as I recall, involved Carol Alt as a depressed housewife who believes her husband, a cop, is cheating on her. There was also something about their child dying in an accident, and she blaming him for it, but before that storyline went anywhere she shot and killed him.On the same fateful night, a wounded stranger comes to her door and she tends to him, and almost immediately her house is under siege by government stooges and mercenaries intent on capturing the stranger, who appears to have almost superhuman fighting skills.This same kind of material has yielded decent entertainment plenty of times before, most notably in Matt Damon's The Bourne Identity, and could have done so this time as well but this particular movie was let down by poor production values and a lousy script.This movie really falls apart at the end, when the mysterious stranger turns out to be a cyborg (!) who was programmed to be a policeman, and after discovering that Carol Alt killed her husband he tries to kill her! The movie wasn't particularly good up until this point, but the ending really ruins it by trying to turn a modest action-thriller into a lumpy Terminator/Robocop wannabe.I also thought that the violence in the movie was a bit excessive at the end, with the demented cyborg gouging out poor Carol Alt's eye before it finally bit the dust. What was the point of that? For that matter, what was the point of anything in this movie? It held my attention and entertained me for about an hour, until the end, when it reminded me that I wasn't watching a first-rate movie. It wasn't even really a second-rate movie, for that matter.The final scenes seem to hint at a sequel, which I don't think ever happened, although I haven't carefully checked the web for it. Needless to say that I'm not in any hurry to see any sequel to this movie.
eldudarino **may contain spoilers** This film really is so bad its good. Everything about this film is badly done, from the script to the sets. But somehow, you have to keep watching, half (if not more) of the fun is waiting for the next tragically bad moment and then spending the next 10 minuets taking the mick out of it. At One point Grace (the main character) is trying to drag something like a terminator into a bath to hide him, it takes her about 20 minuets! she then tries to clean up his blood, she scrubs the floor for about five seconds and then genuinely says "that'll do" leaving a big puddle of blood still on the carpet. Another laughing point is that you rarely, if ever, see more than one person with a gun on screen at any one time, its like they could only afford one gun (and it looks like a prototype for mars attacks). funny, but for all the wrong reasons.
wolfhell88 A good actioner with a real fine cast. Rick Hill as crazy Denton is fantastic and Roger Wade as Killer Caulder shows, what a good actor can make out of an small appearance. Corey Feldmann looks funny with his one eye, John Terlesky and Ross Hagen have short but fine appearances. Carol Alt looked much better in Italien or German TV Movies. You always know what you get when Jim Wynorski directs a movie.