Standout: The Ben Kjar Story

2025 "With no chance at an ordinary life, he lived an extraordinary one."
Standout: The Ben Kjar Story
5.5| 1h39m| en| More Info
Released: 23 February 2025 Released
Producted By: The Visual Transit Authority
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Standout tells the powerful story of Ben Kjar, born with Crouzon Syndrome, a rare craniofacial disorder. From birth, doctors warn that his life will be overshadowed by limitations. Ben yearns for an ordinary life free from the harsh scrutiny he faces daily. However, each experience of adversity, including relentless bullying and a series of painful surgeries, ignites a fire within him. Wrestling becomes his proving ground, a place where he learns to transform his facial difference into a source of power. Determined to succeed, he pushes himself relentlessly, breaking through physical, social, and even romantic barriers that once seemed insurmountable. But as unexpected challenges arise and ridicule resurfaces, Ben finds himself at a defining crossroads: fade into the background of a “normal” life, or fully embrace his unique path and boldly stand out.

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The Visual Transit Authority

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