Spring Breakers

2013 "A little sun can bring out your dark side."
5.3| 1h34m| R| en| More Info
Released: 15 March 2013 Released
Producted By: Radar Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: https://a24films.com/films/spring-breakers

After four college girls rob a restaurant to fund their spring break in Florida, they get entangled with a weird dude with his own criminal agenda.

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skidudenate I could write so much about this movie. But I'm so mad I even wasted time watching it. Trash. Trash. Trash.
toonyjakes Spring Breakers looks dope at a glance. You've got a great cast, and interesting director/writer, and the trailer was awesome. This movie ends up losing all of its potential within it's redundant, self absorbed ideals.Plot- 4 college skanks plan to go on spring break. But it gets stupid immediately, seeing as they've collectively only saved 300 something dollars from the whole year. So, they rob a store, party in Florida, and get arrested. For some reason, a gangster/rapper (played by Franco) ends up at their trial, wants them as his little crew, and bails them out. After that, nothing but disappointment. You find out what he really wants them to do and it's just stupid and not exciting. The ending is garbage, a cutoff scene. Characters/Writing- The dialogue is so loopy and weird in stride with the characters and their circumstances. You'll often be like "are the girls all high on ecstasy?" Or mimicking the dumb lines they repeat "spring break.....spring breaaakk" it's just not captivating. The characters themselves serve as nothing but emphasis on being a careless slut. Critics may claim it speaks for the generation, but it only wrings out every last drop of excess in all forms to try to prove something. Not sure what that even is. Acting- The acting is not bad at all, the actors are just being pulled by extremely weird dialogue, weird scenarios, and pointless scenes displaying their slutty ignorance. I'm not against portraying things honestly but you wont have fun watching these girls banter and lollygag. Quality- One fantastic thing about this film is the editing, the style, the cinematography. It looks gorgeous and quite literally feels like a dream. The part when they rob the store is filmed in one take and is really cool to watch. Overall I'd say if you're into unconventional movies and often create meaning out of dirt, this is for you. I tried to watch it twice and cut it off the second time. It looks beautiful and has such a convincing style that you'll probably watch it all regardless of your intolerance. If there was a juicier story, with less oddball scenes and more characteristic dialogue, I'd say watch it.
cianlyons-18565 I was surprised by what this film turned out to be which is like a weird story about a group of college girls who get into crime sprees. It's a good movie with a lot of interesting visuals but it does feel really slow at some times. Worth a watch though.
n_bond This whole movie plays out like a soft core pr0n that was quickly reworked into a jail-bail plot after being rejected by theaters. Sad, because if it had stayed a pr0n, it wouldn't be known. And the worst part is, news outlets PRAISED this crap. It's literally about 4 women... glorifying everything wrong with this generation. That being said, this is the worst movie ever, on par with Asian Schoolgirls. Anyone giving this positive reviews is either a huge creep, or friends with aforementioned news outlets.