Spooky & Linda

2015 "Breaking out of their psychiatric insitution, Spooky & Linda need trust in each other to find their way in an unknown world."
6| 0h15m| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 2015 Released
Producted By: Lomotion
Country: Switzerland
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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It was meant to be just a light-hearted adventure: After long years behind walls, Spooky and Linda escape from their psychiatric institution to breathe some fresh air in the outside world. Spooky wants to invite Linda for lunch in the restaurant he often went to as a child. But life is definitively more complicated outside the walls. And everything gets even more confusing with Spooky’s friend Carl, who unexpectedly joins the company. A small adventure becomes quite a big challenge. In an unknown world they are confronted to questions they are not used to face. They would need trust in themselves and in their companion. How can they find their way?

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