
1995 "For three million years, the human race has been at the top of the evolutionary ladder. Nothing lasts forever."
5.9| 1h48m| R| en| More Info
Released: 07 July 1995 Released
Producted By: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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In 1993, the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence Project receives a transmission detailing an alien DNA structure, along with instructions on how to splice it with human DNA. The result is Sil, a sensual but deadly creature who can change from a beautiful woman to an armour-plated killing machine in the blink of an eye.

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hellholehorror This is the ultimate bloke film bar none. Well except maybe Predator (1987). I love the way that this is full of topless women, violence and aliens. Absolutely perfect. Here, take a handy hint: fill your belly with beer and then almost pass-out from the awe that is generated from every second of this killer alien-human-hybrid movie. I never get tired of watching Natasha Henstridge as an alien. Never ever.
craigh01 Not all movies have to be intense and hard to figure out. Sometimes they can just be fun, and this one is.You have to suspend disbelief on a few technical scientific things, such as sending a message from SETI into outer space, remember that radio waves travel at the speed of light, and the nearest star to use is 4.3 light years away. So at BEST it would take 8 years to send/receive a message, but most stars in our galaxy are 50,000 light years away or so, so the message to one of those would take 100,000 years to send/receive.Then we can't create DNA of a human, how are we going to create the DNA of an Alien species from scratch given just the data about it? But don't worry about those details, just have fun with it, watch the pretty little half-alien girl kill with much gore.. And the team of experts they send to catch the now fully-grown woman/alien is kind of fun too. Very cliché characters, but still fun.I like the deep, hard-to-understand movies as well, but this one kept me entertained all the way through. Not the greatest movie ever made but not boring either. A fun B-movie type science fiction/horror movie, but with good actors.I'm giving it an 8, which to me means, "liked it", whereas a 6 to me would mean "it was OK". It was more than OK so I give it an 8.
Leofwine_draca SPECIES is a B-movie with an A-list cast, nothing more and nothing less than that. Its tired, hackneyed plot is like something out of a '50s alien invasion flick, and the film as a whole is little more than excuse for lots of gratuitous nudity and some gruesome bloodshed along the way. One of the most notable things is that the alien is designed by H. R. Giger, the designer behind the most famous screen Alien of all time, and to hammer the similarities home we have an eerie soundtrack that seems to rip off ALIENS at every single opportunity. Sadly, the only time we really see Giger's work is at the climax, where it's represented by some shoddy CGI effects that I remember thinking were good back in the day. Now, watching this with hindsight, I see that they stink. If only we had more of the cool alien suit and less CGI, I might have enjoyed this a whole lot more.The storyline is so predictable that it's hardly worth bothering with. A female alien in human form attempts to mate with lots of guys, but usually ends up killing them instead. Of course, the good guys are always just behind, and don't meet up with her until the climax. Natasha Henstridge stars in her breakout role as Sil, the alien, but her appearance is little more than an excuse for lots and lots of topless nudity. She doesn't make an impact other than that, and neither does Michelle Williams playing the young Sil. More interesting are Michael Madsen, delivering an adequate hard-ass character with little material to go on, and Marg Helgenberger cast as a love interest before C.S.I. came along. Ben Kingsley is here too, but he just seems weird, while Alfred Molina is trying too hard as the oh-so-British professor. I did like Forest Whitaker, though, who brings warmth and depth to his role as an 'empath', somebody with a psychic link to Henstridge's killer.A predictable ending involving characters being stalked through the sewers and a ridiculous killer baby aside, this is for the most part routine fare. There's one outrageous gore scene where a woman has her spine ripped out in a toilet cubicle and one decent suspense scene in which a couple of the characters are trapped in a sealed room with a rapidly growing alien organism. Other than that, SPECIES is a film just not really worth bothering with.
elliott78212 Take a few themes from other films add a decent cast of actors sprinkle some H.R.Giger then hand it over to Roger Donaldson to direct. What you get thanks to fairly good script is not as bad as some have said here. The chemistry of with the team gathered to capture Sil is spot on the movie never gets to slow delivering shocks action and some good old fashion makeup FX. The film tries to be original and in some ways it is it had been a few years since last saw it, I found myself engaged throughout, lots of sexy scenes for the beautiful Natasha Henstridge. 18 years later still worth watching I got the boxset for Christmas so having a marathon let's see how Part Two holds up.