Somos un solo pueblo

Somos un solo pueblo
6.9| 1h30m| en| More Info
Released: 03 December 1995 Released
Producted By: Zaga Film
Country: Puerto Rico
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Presents a bit of the history of the migration of our people, people who came out opening new horizons and looking for new destinations. During that absence, it has been music that has defined us and served to remove barriers and grow closer.

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Zaga Film

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Deaconbeny The most sensible music video I have seen because it shows what people can show about their culture, and what they can achieve in God's way. It goes beyond music but pride and love. The struggle of a nation against all odds but, a triumph over failures. I as Cuban admire that nation and just remind me what we can do when we live in peace and not under violence and hate like we:the Cubans are suffering under a Country living in slavery, fear and hunger. Three times I had seen this video and will never get tire of looking at it. Remember Cuba and Puerto Rico are the wings of a bird, let us say the Dove symbol of Peace, Love and the Holy Spirit