Soldiers of the Damned

2015 "An Evil Secret Awaits..."
3.9| 1h39m| en| More Info
Released: 07 October 2015 Released
Producted By: Viking Film and Television
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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WWII German soldiers take an occult scientist into a haunted forest in Romania, only to be confronted by their own ghosts.

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spoken I just watched this on Amazon Prime and I appear to be the 12th reviewer, so I'll offer some viewing tips.In short, when one group enters a haunted forest to reclaim a supernatural relic for Hitler's occult researchers and goes missing another group is sent in. We learn why they want the relic and some nasty stuff about the SS, too.First of all, the movie's story-line is fine if you've ever read old science fiction: people can appear to be killed in one place/time yet become part of another place/time with knowledge of the first. But you won't always see that played out as soldiers have to make split-second decisions to shoot now then talk later (but maybe no one's left to hear, or you have a reason to hide what you know).Ignore the anachronisms. You're not going to find an adviser for historical accuracy on a small budget, so why worry? Spoiler: The soldier with the tomahawk has some Native American blood, so he has the weapons and expertise to use blades as killing tools. It is explained, but other reviewers apparently missed that conversation.Most importantly, you absolutely must pay attention to the little clues along the way or you'll miss something hugely important.Now that the boards are gone and no questions are being answered in the FAQ I'm hoping more reviewers will chime in with spoilers and tidbits of helpful info. Remember to tick the box if you don't want to see spoiler reviews.
geraldsenear This movie is Horrendous. One could not write a spoiler for it because there is no substance to write about in the first place. Script is terrible, Acting is terrible and plot is terrible. What more is there to say. Nothing. I would suggest avoiding this movie like the plague. I am only adding this text after the word nothing because the review was too short.
bournemouthbear There would appear to be a revival of sorts for horror flicks of a Nazi soldier bent. With both the Outpost and Dead Snow franchises doing reasonable business, especially in the retail market, it was inevitable that others would look to tap into the same lucrative vein looking to reap similar rewards. Earlier this year we were treated to the retail release of Backtrack: Nazi Vengeance. This British flick, again using Nazi's as its primal force, was a bit of a mess. With that still playing in the back of my mind I approached this feature début for former TV, commercial and music video director Mark Nuttall, with some trepidation.Fortunately both Nuttall and screenwriter Nigel Horne have fashioned a tale that manages to feel both familiar yet fresh at the same time. Soldiers of the Damned is fresh in the way that it doesn't completely cover the same tracks as the aforementioned movies, although there are some similarities - the Nazi's interest in the occult for example. It also impressively manages to capture the period it is set in. Both the production design and hair and make-up teams are to be applauded for their work on the film within such a limited budget.Unlike its comtemporary-based counterparts Soldiers of the Damned dares to be period set taking place in 1944 on the Eastern Front when the Russians are pushing the German Army back through Romania. Major Kurt Fleischer (Gil Darnell) is instructed to escort female scientist Professor Anna Kappel (Miriam Cooke) into a forest behind enemy lines so that an ancient relic can be retrieved. The soldiers in Fleischer's ensemble say that the forest is spooked or possessed but he doesn't initially believe them. Soon ghostly visions are seen and soldiers disappear as if burnt to ashes before their very eyes. Fleischer doesn't take long to suss that there is something far more sinister than expected lurking within the forest and has to figure out exactly what that something is before he and his team are completely wiped out.For the best part of an hour our interest is maintained with something of interest happening throughout. However when it comes to wrapping up proceedings the energy on-screen flags under the weight of a script that has run out of more decent ideas. It also jars that the mainly British cast talk in English accents when they are meant to be German otherwise the performances are decent with Miriam Cooke particularly impressing in the key role of Professor Anna Kappel.Mark Nuttall proves himself as a name to watch. His work in the director's chair is assured and bodes well for his future career in films. Despite the flaws mentioned Soldiers of the Damned is worth seeking out. For its limited budget the film sounds, looks and plays like a bigger studio production. Soldiers of the Damned is a breathe of fresh air in a genre that is otherwise currently stagnating under the weight of wearisome found footage and cheap zombie flicks. It's surprising, involving and far better than you would perhaps expect.Check out more of my reviews at
frompagescreen Right from the opening credits of Soldiers of The Damned, we know what sort of film we are about to view. With opening credits very reminiscent of Army of Darkness, I cant help but feel that if Sam Raimi made a film featuring Nazi's, then Soldiers of the Damned might well be the result. Taking the often told format of 'men on a mission' Soldiers of The Damned injects the 'genre' with a dash of the type of Germans often seen in the world of Indiana Jones. A fun film, whilst gory in places but its a fun gore and not the emotion draining seriousness of films of recent years. Schindlers List this isn't (not does it try to be), Soldiers of the Damned it is'