Sol Goode

2003 "Whether you're crude, lewd or just a slacker dude, it's..."
Sol Goode
5.2| 1h39m| R| en| More Info
Released: 11 March 2003 Released
Producted By: Immortal Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Sol Goode, a charismatic L.A. twenty-something, has always relied on charm, good looks, and fast talk to glide through life. But his luck may have run out; faced with eviction from his hipster apartment, totaling his car, and the threat of having to find a real job, Sol realizes that maybe the life he's been leading is no longer making him happy.

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Destroyer Wod Get a hot chicks with cleavage on the cover? Check. Get a bunch of known actors to play small parts like Carmen Electra? Check. Trick the audience into thinking they are gonna watch a wild ride of a raunchy movie... yes... check. This movie poses as one of those movie where you are expecting lots of tits and ass, beer drinking and a bunch of juvenile act, but in the end you will get some moral about life isn't all about parties and scoring chicks. The formula has been used a lot yes, but usually it gives one cool party movie and i like them. One name get into mind... Van Wilder... one of the best movie of that kind which was very funny.But the problem with "Sol Goode" is that it actually feel like a rip off of the core of Van Wilder, without really the fun side too much. This movie try to score a few joke here and there, and some characters are a bit funny, but at no point i really felt for any of them(except maybe Chloe a bit) or what would happen to them. Jamie Kennedy's character sure bring a few comic relief but not enough to get me interest much into his story.Its kinda trying to be serious, yet putting a few jokes, but the jokes never get the effect they where looking for and the serious side kinda miss emotions and really getting to feel those characters. The best friend Cooper was just forgivable, and made almost no point in the story, and the only dramatic performance i actually like was the one of the actress playing Chloe who actually was cute enough both in look and acting to get me interest in her.But its one of those movie where you seem to just go trough the motion and nothing really happen for a long part of the movie and the synopsis actually is not that much accurate.Even in the "cute" romance movie category i felt this movie took like an hour before having you really get interest into anyone too much. So well what can i say... it was not awful or anything... it was just not memorable, a really forgivable romantic comedy that i think even your girlfriend would not really get into.I feel this movie either needed to get more raunchy, or more emotional, but it stayed in the middle and missed bot lines... sadly.
rddj05 If you've ever been stumped at a cocktail party when someone asks you, "what's the worst movie you've ever seen", you may want to rent this movie so as to have an instantaneous reply. I mean, there's bad, then there's REALLY bad. This film falls into the latter category.What's amazing is not that they got a budget for this film, but that they actually got some name actors for it. I can't imagine any working actor looking at this puerile script and thinking to themselves, "yes, this is one I must do."The script itself is dreadful. Overwhelmingly bad. If one didn't read the credits, you'd think it was written by an undersexed (or possibly oversexed) 8th-grader. It's the kind of script that drunken frat boys might come up with if they were really bored, and had a half hour to spare. If you took out the fart jokes, the penis jokes, and the irritable bowel jokes, there would really only be about 10 minutes of film, and those 10 minutes would be stuffed with every comic cliché you could imagine.The film offers no real laughs, predictability to the extreme, and, surprisingly, no nudity. Which is odd, since it's like watching a slasher film with no blood. The only reason I can imagine a film like Showgirls (which is "Gone With the Wind" compared to Sol Goode) got financed was because they promised the backers that Elizabeth Hurley would be naked and gyrating throughout half the film. This film doesn't even have the common decency to try and titillate the audience after forcing us through the 100 minutes of torture.The performances are mostly quite good. The actors do a great job at elevating the material, especially Katharine Towne, in a thankless and underwritten role. Cheri Oteri, Natasha Wagner, and Jamie Kennedy all put their best foot forward trying to turn very little into something. Cheri Oteri plays a sadistic, high-powered agent, which is actually the best writing in the film. Unfortunately, it's a subplot that really has no connection to the main storyline. It may have been a better film had they simply stayed in the agency and made it all about Jamie Kennedy's character, since the least interesting character in the whole film is the title character. You can't quite imagine how so many people seem to know and admire a guy who has never had a job, isn't getting work as an actor, dates homely women, and doesn't even seem particularly funny or charming.The film goes nowhere, and takes forever to get there. But I will give this writer/director his due. It takes quite of bit of pluck and determination to get a film this bad made. He surely deserves "hustler of the year" award. If he could sell this film to execs, he could sell ice to Eskimos.
greggsettembrino One of the funniest movies I've ever seen. On par with Swingers and Office Space. Cooper could be the funniest character ever. My friends and I quote lines from this movie on a daily basis. I saw this on accident on cable and ordered the DVD off amazon a day later. Classic!! salad is kind of banging right now. Really cool cast too, a lot of cameos from different actors and actresses. What this movie needs is a sequel. I can't think of anything else to say, and the minimum is 10 lines so I'll lay down some quotes. Dude, your claiming the Diesel girl, your going to need proof of purchase on that one. I heard you got a duraflame brother. Buy this movie!!!
kliuv1 I wasn't expecting much from this movie, but I was very wrong. Although I love Getty, Kennedy and Jared Leto, I wasn't hoping for such a gem. The acting was spot on; the characters were believable and warm. All these actors were crying out for a movie like this. OK, more to the point. Although it had some romantic themes it was hilarious from start to finish. The jokes were coming thick and fast, and fortunately they were not all primitive American below the belt stuff. The dialogue was fast and snappy, with brilliant jokes. I urge you to see the film either with your friends and some beer, or with your other half with popcorn. You will enjoy it for sure. Finally it's nice that these quality actors got the script they deserve. Hopefully, we will now see more of them on the screen.