Snow Day

2000 "Roads closed. Schools shut. Rules were made to be frozen!"
5.2| 1h29m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 11 February 2000 Released
Producted By: Paramount Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When an entire town in upstate New York is closed down by an unexpected snowfall, a "snow day" begins when a group of elementary school kids, led by Natalie Brandston, try to ensure that the schools stay closed by stopping a mechanical snowplow driver by trying to hijack his plow truck. Meanwhile, Natalie's big brother Hal is using this day to try to win the affections of Claire Bonner, the most popular girl in his high school, while Hal and Natalie's father Tom, a TV meteorologist, faces off against a rival meteorologist for weather coverage of the day's events.

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Jason Lloyd (cjase22007) Well, I have to say this is the quintessential movie of my childhood. I could definitely relate to the character of Mark. Having a crush on the popular girl and dreaming of one day being with her. This movie is obviously for kids, but it is a lot of fun with a good message. Whether you are young or old, you should check this one out.
Electrified_Voltage One time, during my intermediate school days, as it was getting close to the Christmas holidays, I got to see "Snow Day" at an assembly in the gym. (It's not a Christmas movie, but obviously still a winter movie.) If it wasn't for that assembly, I probably would have never even heard of the film to this day! I was in my early teens at the time, and can't remember exactly what I thought of the movie, but I might have enjoyed it just a tiny bit (I know I wasn't extremely bored, wondering when it was going to be over). It's been nearly seven years, and out of curiosity, I finally just watched this movie again, and this time, I know for sure that I didn't like it.It has been an incredibly warm winter in Syracuse, New York, until one night, when so much snow comes that school is cancelled the next day! Since the kids have the day off, they can go out and play in the snow, but unfortunately, the one they know as "Snowplowman" (a very nasty, self-centred man with bad teeth, who seems to care for nobody, other than his pet bird, who rides around with him in his snow plow) is out to make their lives miserable! Natalie Brandston is the leader of a group of elementary school students who are on a challenging mission to steal the snow plow from this man, so they can keep their school closed! Meanwhile, Natalie's teenage brother, Hal, attempts to score with Claire Bonner, something which so many other guys at his school wish to do! This movie is a comedy, but when I watched it a second time, I didn't laugh once (I don't even recall laughing at all the first time). I felt that at least the scenes with the school principal being pelted with snowballs everywhere he goes should have made me laugh, but they didn't. There are some things in the movie which many (including me) would find somewhat annoying, such as the disgusting sounds that Roger the Snowplowman sometimes makes, and the constant farts of a boy in Natalie's group. The teen romance part is also done rather poorly, basically fitting in with the rest of the film. Both the plot and the sub-plot are ridiculous! Overall, I found "Snow Day" simply boring, and some parts sort of made me feel like an idiot for watching it at my age (nearly 21)! Since most of this movie wasn't TOO bad for me, I won't give it any less than a 5/10, even though I gave "Big Fat Liar" the same rating, and thought it was better than this film. However, if I hadn't been shown "Snow Day" at school, meaning that I would probably still be unaware of its existence after all these years (like I said), it certainly wouldn't have been a great loss. I have no doubt in my mind that many kids would like this movie (which is a good thing, since it was made for them), but I wouldn't be surprised if I heard a bunch of kids say they didn't like it. So, I would say that it just might be worth a try for kids, but for those in their adolescent years or beyond, there's very little (if anything) to like. There might even be a good chance that you would think less of it than I do!
upsidedown_i I first saw this movie at my cottage in 2001 because my little cousins begged to rent it. I groaned because it looked like any other Family Channel movie with cheesy lines, etc. However, I was very wrong. I enjoyed it thoroughly. It was recently advertised to be shown on TV again, and I felt nostalgic about it. But, I couldn't help thinking that since I was about 13 when I first saw it, my tastes might have changed, and I would hate it now. Again, I was definitely wrong.This movie can appeal to any age group, because it has plot lines involving a wide range of ages. All the plot lines offer something funny and cute, even if sometimes unbelievable. But with a movie like this, you have to be able to suspend your grasp on reality for a couple hours.If you're looking for a good, light movie to pass some time with, you will not be disappointed by this one. I recommend it to anyone.
lsmelzer Simply put, this movie is the mackdaddiest, most pimpinest layin the smack down straight from the hood foshizzle magizzle movie ever made about a snow day. Bo Duke and Chevy Chase? Ah the tension, and the epic cosmic struggle between meteorological integrity and the vortex of insipid darkness. Pure magic, and if that weren't enough, there's also Chris Elliott and one of the Designing Women and some dude who's like the stereotypical snotty preppy bully--kind of like a cross between Biff from Back to the Future and Zach from Saved by the Bell. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you will walk away from this movie in an ecstatic tizzy that you'll never come down from. With an awesome cast and a brilliant concept, this movie ranks right up there with Ben Hur and Citizen Kane as a cinematic tour de force for the ages.