Joseph Gilmour
I found the movie to be a very good satire on all those lame old mafia bits in the past. It's very well done through a different than usual point of view. Some may not understand a lot of it due to the lousy English translation of it. But that's of course due to the fact that Czechs have very little resources when it comes to proper English. They use a twisted book form of British learning which is dead end, out of date slang. I blame that one on the Brits and their misconception of what should be known as English. They seem to teach it, but, as we know, those who can't, teach. If it helps, spend some time to learn Czech, and even take a visit to the country, and you'll understand the true greatness of this movie, I sure did.
Well, I don't know the original play the film is based upon so I can't compare, but the film surprised me very much. I didn't expect much amusement (after many critical reviews), on the contrary - I was a little worried. You know, many many Czech films tend to be something more then they really are, but the result is often awkward and you as a viewer are ashamed, instead. But, I'm happy to say it: Mazaný Filip was funny! And I definitely cannot agree with those who say that the performances were bad! (especially Vilma Cibulkova as the diva Velma was super - as in every movie of hers) and the art direction got me as well. Compared with majority of Czech film production, Mazany Filip is without a doubt one of the best made ones and who says it isn't, they probably belong to the above mentioned category of pseudo-intellectuals. It's definitely worth seeing.
I was really excited to see Mazany Filip, wanting to see a comic Czech take on American film-noir, hard-boiled detective movies. Unfortunately, there was nothing funny about this movie. The directing, pacing, and acting were all terrible, slow, and boring, and *none* of the "jokes", visual or verbal, were in the least funny. Here and there they would try slapstick in the style of the Zucker brothers (Airplane, Naked Gun, etc.), but these failed miserably. I can only go by the English subtitle translation of the script, but it was repetitive and stupid. A host of otherwise good (I'm told) Czech actors had their little cameo set pieces (a screaming film director, a crazy doctor at the sanitarium, etc.), which were even less funny than a Saturday Night Live sketch, if you can imagine it. To portray a black character, they put a white guy in minstrel-show blackface, complete with white lips, curly 'fro wig, and "ol' Southern black guy" accent. My Czech friend who came with me also thought it was terrible, so it can't be only a case of cultural differences. I recommend that you definitely don't waste your money or time on this pathetic film.
Undoubtedly one of best Czech movies of the last time. Maybe "Pelísky" could compete, but that is all. Clever plot, intelligent dialogs, original funny tricks, over fifty links to other movies such as "Limonádový Joe", "Pulp Fiction", "Batman" and others.Vilma Cibulková is great, smoking cigarettes with long, extremely long cigarette-holder, drinking whiskey from big, extremely big glass, having big, very big breasts...In episode roles appear such great Czech actors as Dusek, Holubová, Preis, Standler, Vávra, Vorel, Trojan, and many many many others.