Six Gun Savior

2016 "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
Six Gun Savior
3.2| 1h40m| en| More Info
Released: 05 July 2016 Released
Producted By: StayTunedTV
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When Lane McCrae confronts the outlaw that murdered his family, the battle leaves him fatally wounded. He is visited by the Devil, who offers him a deal that would save the lives of both he and his brother, but instead makes him a bounty hunter for Hell replacing his predecessor. When Zathera, the embodiment of death, walks the earth, it's up to Lane, Hawk and their team, to stop her before she wipes out humanity. They are not the only ones hunting Zathera though - there are others who want to reach Zathera first, for plans of their own!

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vchimpanzee Grant Dillon was treated like family by the McCraes. And how did he reward them? In 1860, he killed nearly all of them and took over their land, looking for a type of metal with a unique property. Lane McCrae made a deal with Lucifer so his brother Cody would live. It was explained to us that a person who is already dead but not yet judged can make a deal with Lucifer to come back to Earth and take revenge on the person who killed him, at which time he becomes human again, but Lucifer gets his soul. Demons have glowing red eyes when they get mad, and if they get really mad they look like characters from one of the "Star Trek" series. If they are "killed", they burst into flame but disappear quickly.Throughout the Civil War, Lane chases after Dillon but can never catch him. In 1865 he arrives in Furnace Creek, California and someone calls him "Six Gun". He is later identified as "The Savior". Lane joins up with Liz, who is beautiful but tough and cheats men at cards and was apparently his ex. Also joining him are Hawk and Muna. Muna is a shaman's daughter whose entire village was killed, and yet she has a pleasant personality, while still courageous. Lane speaks her language.Dillon wears an eye patch and is unbelievably cruel. He gives orders to a red-haired woman named Zathera who can brings others back to life, and when she has done that, he puts her back in the mine where he was holding her prisoner. Why she has to be his prisoner is not clear, because she has powers you wouldn't believe, and later on she is on her own. The dead person sees his own body, while we see him and Zathera looking very strange, making it clear they are not "real". Zathera explains the terms of the deal and he agrees to them.Lane and his group have several objectives. They have to save Cody, but Lucifer complicates the situation. A green glowing item resembling a piece of blackboard chalk gives certain people power to make others do anything. And then there is a smaller purple glowing item.Capturing Dillon and saving the world from Zathera both prove to be quite complicated.And then there is the cute little girl in what appears to be a white nightgown who proclaims the message of God's forgiveness.Not only that, but another event similar to what happened in the time of Noah could be happening. Not a flood, but we know what Zathera can do, and she and Lucifer are not on the same side.This is a little different from a typical Western. While the themes of people dressed as cowboys (it's not clear what their jobs are) riding horses and wanting revenge is fairly typical, the supernatural qualities are unique. There's not that much special here, though.Lucifer is quite a character. He is more deliciously evil than Dillon, who is just evil. While there aren't a lot of laughs here, Lucifer is sort of funny. And we do have the occasional funny line, such as when someone asks if anyone is ever going to teach Muna English.Violence is typical for a Western, but many more people die, if you count demons disappearing, and even if you don't. There is what is described as a "massacre", but it is supernatural, not bloody. It is still scary.Not my taste, but some might enjoy it.
Michael Ledo The first five minutes of the film is used for narration to explain the plot which includes Oni (a new one on me). These are people who are killed, but before they are judged, they can deal their way back to earth so as to kill the person who killed them. They get to live a normal life after that and their soul goes to the devil played by Eric Roberts.Through circumstances, Lane McCrae (Kaleo Griffith) has made a different pact and becomes a bounty hunter for the devil, but doesn't have a bike or a flaming skull head. They is also Zathera (Lorraine Ziff) who can bring about the final apocalypse and raise people from the dead. She is being controlled by Grant Dillon (Blaine Gray) who BTW killed McCrae's family.The best part of the film was when an Oni got killed and burst into flames. Other than that the drama and dialogue was boring, not even making an effort to entertain the audience. Kaleo Griffith was horrible in the lead role, although the script gave him little to work with, so he didn't make the effort.Guide: No swearing sex or nudity.
Leofwine_draca I had no idea that a film this cheap would get prime time showing here in the UK but there it was, sitting right on the weekday schedules at 9pm. SIX GUN SAVIOUR is an independent film, a cheap horror/western about a slick gunfighter who is revived from death by the devil himself and sent on a mission of justice to take down some nefarious villains.It's hard to put in words the sheer ineptitude of this cheesy film. The many action scenes are completely laughable especially when some questionable slow motion is brought into play. The acting is poor across the board and poor old Eric Roberts really must be on the skids, agreeing to appear in this level of production (Z-grade as compared to his usual B-grade produce). Worst of all are the terrible CGI effects, particularly the schlocky 'burning' effects when killing characters which are simply terrible. Add in a production so cheap it only has a couple of locations, a non-existent storyline, and plenty of inanity, and you have one rubbish movie.
loonurgoose I immediately watched this when it became available on streaming this past week and I wasn't disappointed at all!! Talk about great action scenes and a weird storyline involving demons and devils...what more could a guy ask for? Lane McCrae, played to the hilt by Kaleo Griffith, becomes the Devil's (Eric Roberts at his finest) bounty hunter in order to save himself and his brother's life. His mission is to hunt down demons, but gets waylaid by Zaretha (Lorraine Ziff bringing complexity and sexiness to the embodiment of death) that is being controlled by the bad guys for their own nefarious needs. Lane is joined by his girlfriend and two sidekick strangers, Muna and Hawk. Matthew Ziff especially rocks as Hawk, a cowboy confused by all the strange events but willing to pursue the right path with Lane. Many great fight scenes as well for all who enjoy a good Western. Can't wait to watch again, since I can tell this movie reveals more and more each time it's viewed!