Sins of the Night

Sins of the Night
4.7| 1h30m| en| More Info
Released: 07 December 1993 Released
Producted By: Axis Films International
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Jack Nietsche is a hardened ex-con who now works for an P.I. firm, run by Ted Quincy. Quincy's ex-lover is Roxie, now wife to godfather Tony Falcone. In a huge mix-up/double-cross, Roxie plots with Jack to get rid of Falcone and Quincy, one an abusive husband, the other a demented role playing ex-lover, and run away with Jack. But the double crossings don't end there

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Axis Films International

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makeyourmark-830-226434 Jack Neitszche is one of those small-time ex-cons who never seem to catch a break. Now he is forced to track down Roxanne Flowers, an ex-stripper who has too many skeletons in her closet -- all of the kind that Jack should avoid like the plague. But Roxy is one woman who can't be ignored, and Jack falls hard -- even though he knows he shouldn't -- and very soon he finds himself in a dangerous triangle with none other than Tony Falcone, a mafia-type who has a penchant for violence and making people suffer. Very soon all hell breaks loose, and when the dust clears there are dead bodies, broken lives, and a dangerous world whose rules never seem to change.Sins of the Night is a surprising sleeper of a movie whose low budget filmmaking actually adds to its appeal and in the process rivals much larger films like Basic Instinct. Besides creditable performances by Deborah Shelton, Nick Cassavetes, Richard Roundtree, Miles O'Keefe, and the rest of the cast, an added bonus is the writing. Russell La Valle is clearly a writer who should be watched, as he has a natural flair for dialogue and character development, and knows how to weave them into a compelling story. Certainly a talent to watch.I hope Hollywood takes notice and understands the entertainment value of films like Sims of the NIght and begins duplicating the formula for good small budget movies that have been missing for too long.
pjox5 One of the sexiest films I have ever seen. Deborah Shelton, even at 45 or so, looks absolutely incredible. She plays Roxy, a glamorous high-class prostitute who has little trouble ensnaring Jack, a hard-drinking private dick to murder her husband or something. The plot's a bit confusing. The confusion ends when Roxy has sex with Jack. She really gives it her all. Very convincing scenes. She looked like she was really enjoying herself. He's taking her from behind at one point, grabbing hold of her gorgeous breasts, and she's rocking back and whispering something in his ear, before gasping for joy and laughing and generally just having a complete ball (or two). Jack looked a little stiff! I would love this film to be released on DVD.
Jackson Booth-Millard As you can tell from the title, there are some sex and nudity scenes, and this is another one of those thriller type films where I don't care about the story. I wouldn't exactly call sex a sin though, unless you were married or were religious and shagged before marriage. Anyway, basically a guy falls for a gorgeous big breasted, nice arse and cute belly buttoned female co-worker, and basically all of the film is talk, then shag, talk, then shag, and so on. I don't remember any of the story, but then again, I don't care about it. This is definitely a film I would recommend if you are a fan of big breasts, arses or pornographic behaviour. Good!
zaur-2 I caught this on late night on Showtime or one of the Movie channels and low and behold to my shock and surprise there was totally hot Deborah Shelton, 1970 Miss USA, who used to be on Dallas, and Meline Griffith played her body double in the movie Body Double. Well, in this flick Deborah goes all the way. Her body is a perfect as I always imagined it would be, those many times fantisizing about her from Dallas and Body double. This flick is worth it for her scenes alone.