Sins of My Father

Sins of My Father
7.2| 1h34m| en| More Info
Released: 10 December 2009 Released
Producted By: HBO Documentary Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Nicolas Entel's searing documentary tells the story of Pablo Escobar -- Colombian drug kingpin, murderer and family man -- through the eyes of his son Sebastian as well as the sons of two of Escobar's most prominent victims. Sebastian shares stories of living in luxury and on the lam, but more significantly, he attempts to end the cycle of bloody retribution and make peace with two of the men his father so deeply wronged.

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HBO Documentary Films

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ricardito-1 This has to be one of the best documentaries I have ever seen, I believe have ever been made. I stumbled onto it by accident on Netflix and I am so glad that took the time to watch it. The myth of Pablo Escobar is examined and the damning repercussions that he had on his family, and the family of the victims of his violence is made bare before us. The idea to document this all is absolutely amazing, and serves as a stark reminder of how power corrupts and how sometimes you have to stand up for something whatever the cost may be. We have all seen Scarface and marveled at Tony Montana excessive life, but this is the real deal and you get to see the highs and the lows. Make sure you catch the animation at the start of the documentary which is meant to show you the journey of cocaine from the plant to our streets. Its very well done set against the backdrop of a lush jungle and gunshots. Two thumbs up for this documentary. And another one for the sons who got together to try and "break bread" and move forward with no hard feelings.
Hydek The main reason why I think people should watch this documentary is because it shows, in less than 90 minutes and based on the true story of a country, where corruption, the pursuit of power and drug trading can take you to.Just like many drug dealers don't think about how they will end up ruining their lives by entering the business, Pablo Escobar, one of the most successful of them all, most likely never thought it would ruin his life and affect his family's even decades after his death. Fortunately their stories remain there as a warning that we shouldn't ignore and that "Sins of my father" reminds the audience. This documentary is everything from the personal struggle of Escobar's son to deal with his father's life, to the fight of a country trying to become a better place but finding powerful obstacles inside and outside of its borders. It is about the human nature of doing good and about the human nature (which can be awaken early during the childhood) to do bad and destroy. Finally it is a story about regret, forgiveness and the direction in which we all should go: "pa' adelante".
Raoul Duke So I watched the documentary from 2009 Sins of my father, well was it good, I say Si. This documentary was about the worlds most ruthless drug lord, "el jefe" the now deceased Pablo Escobar. However, that is just part of the tale that is told. The main story is actually about his son Sebastian, and his journey to find peace in his own life. He has not followed in his father's foot steps, and in fact wants nothing to do with the world his father lived in, but shows that he loved his father very much and bears the guilt for his fathers atrocities. A big part of the story is about Sebastian seeking forgiveness, from the sons of two of the men his father had assassinated. The story of Pablo Escobar is fascinating, his son's story is fascinating, the story of the sons of the men Pablo killed is fascinating. This movie was simply incredible. There are several times throughout the movie you see Pablo as a dedicated father and family man. You even hear him sing opera at one point, very well I might add. I have long waited for a movie about the life of Pablo Escobar, this real life tale is better than anything Hollywood could ever imagine and far more moving than a gangster flick could ever be. if you like concise reviews of interesting films please read my other reviews at
meslon the scumbag Colombian drug lord and murderer/executioner and want to be Colombian political power- a very well made documentary but one which I found totally disgusting a man who, at one time, supplied 80 per cent of the cocaine consumed a man who, in my mind, was a total leech the story is indeed a look at what lawyers guns and money can accomplish in the hands of someone who considers himself above the law more-so considers himself -The Law The true story of a man better left forgotten His place in history is a blank best left unfilled A documentary of substance but the substance was a white powder and a trail of death,,,,,,,,