Single Cycle

Single Cycle
6.8| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 15 October 2019 Released
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Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Hong moves to Chongqing from Yinchuan with her six-year-old daughter Ye after her divorce. Ten years later, Ye is still emotionally attached to her father, but her mother's new boyfriend Liu eventually moves into their house. Ye is confused by Liu's attitude towards her and has a hard time deciphering its ambivalence. This causes her much anxiety. She reminisces about the past, and goes back and forth between a fragmented reality and her dreams, until the day her mother leaves with Liu. She decides to take the path of escape, as her mom did, and return to her hometown. However she soon comes to realize that her hometown had disappeared one night several years ago.

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