Sin by Murder

2004 "A little murder among friends. Wealth... Passion... Deceit... A DEADLY combination."
Sin by Murder
4.9| 1h18m| en| More Info
Released: 06 February 2004 Released
Producted By: On Mark Productions
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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On the night of their tenth anniversary, corporate lawyer Michael Barnes' wife is brutally murdered. Labelled the prime suspect by Detectives Jack Burns and Amy Cobb, Barnes must try to clear his name before it's too late... Along the way, Barnes' closest friends begin to show their true colors, and with no one left to trust, he finds himself with nothing to lose as he's faced with the toughest decision of his life.

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On Mark Productions

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dwaltzwriter A crazy woman who uses sex as a weapon. Sure, it's been done before, but not like this. Baranowski usually does his own thing. His one of those triple threat writer/director/actor guys. You can tell he want to be in total control and this makes for some excellent film work.This time out he is a work for hire guy and he shows that it can be done for next to nothing. With a budget that couldn't cover the g-string expense on any of Skinamax film he surpasses most of them. Hell, there's a scene with a lie detector and there is no lie detector equipment in the room! Ryli Morgan, as always, brings a simmering heat to the screen that makes this a film worth watching. Make a point of seeing Sin By Murder.