SilverHawks: The Origin Story

7.3| 0h46m| en| More Info
Released: 23 June 1986 Released
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The next generation of superheroes has arrived... SILVERHAWKS. They fly on silver winds - they fight with nerves of steel. Partly metal...partly real. Born of a time beyond time, they are the SILVERHAWKS. They sacrificed their human bodies, modified to withstand the stress of their long journey through space to a distant galaxy. Sent there to defend the universe against the terrible MonStar and his intergalactic mod. SILVERHAWKS - the first super androids with the minds of men and the muscles of machines.

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diezveintisiete This is a great cartoon. I say so because I used to think it was the best one when I was a child. And now, that I'm an adult, I still think it's a great cartoon. Maybe the second best I've ever seen (only surpassed by The Simpsons).The characters are great (especially the villains who are very complex and have many different abilities). To name some, The BountyHunter, The time-stopper, Mo-Lec-U-Lar, Windhammer, Mon-star, Zero, the memory thief, Melodia, Buzz-Saw etc.As for the names, I don't think they are bad. But I say that the Spanish translations are better. For example: "SilverHawks" means Hawks made of silver, but not all of them were made of this metal: The Copper kid, SteelHeart, Steelwill, C. Stargazer (gold), Hotwing (gold) and Flashback (green). In Spanish they were called "Halcónes Galácticos" which means "Galactic Hawks" which is a better name, or at least more descriptive of them all.The setting is amazing. There's an Artificial sun and the planets are beautiful: The Penal Planet, Hawkhaven, Bedlama, Dollare, The hanging Rock, etc.I agree with the person that said (As for falling in space and characters not needing life support) that Limbo Galaxy has an artificial sun (which, technically should be artificial star...), possibly there is artificial gravity or a black hole. Finally, I would love Hollywood to make a Silverhawks movie o Warner to make a new season of the Greatest Hawks ever.
lramlu1 Silverhawks was a very good show! I enjoyed every time I watched it with my family. I hope they bring them back, only new and improved. I think they should make a movie of it with real actors; just like they did with fantastic 4 and the X-men. I want my kids to watch Silverhawks too. Every time I talk to them about it, the say they want to watch it. There are three more shows I enjoyed, Thundercats and Mazinger and last but not least, Ultraman. Nothing better than the old cartoons and TV shows. I think we should do something about it, but where to start. Thank you for reading this comment, I know you agree. Sometimes at work, my co-workers an I begin talking about the old shows and cartoons, and we talk about Silverhawks, Thundercats, Ultraman etc, etc, etc. We always agree on the same thing. We (the parents) have the right to live a little too, don't you think. Everybody has their favorite, but I know we all miss them.
phoenix2rachelsummers Okay, first the little matter that the producers of "Thundercats" ripped off their own show by doing a space opera version called "Silverhawks" - I grew up outside the States, in Ecuador, and "Silverhawks" was actually shown there before "Thundercats!" So I've never had that issue.And why can't "Silverhawks" simply be judged on its own merits? The science may have been wildly inaccurate, but that's why it's called Science FICTION!! Just shut your mind off and enjoy. I certainly had no problem doing it, with all the brightly colored characters against backgrounds of futuristic buildings and machines and black skies with shimmering stars.Most of all, "Silverhawks" had GREAT villains. Their leader, Monstar, may have been a Mumm-Ra ripoff, but I think his ritual transformation was way creepier than Mumm-Ra's. Instead of getting all muscular and bursting out of a cloak and bandages, Monstar would burst out of his own SKIN, and come out looking like some kind of cyborg-demon! And Monstar's underlings were a memorable bunch: his ridiculously obedient sidekick, a chimp/snake named Yes-Man; Hardware, the troll with a backpack full of gadgets; Windjammer, with his long blonde hair and gaunt face and weather-control staff; Mumbo-Jumbo, a minotaur on steroids; Buzzsaw, a robot with built-in blades; Molecular, the shape shifter; Pokerface, the lounge lizard/walking slot machine; Time-Stopper, a teenage brat with a clock on his chest which could manipulate time; Melodia, the Queen of Rock with a (literally) killer guitar.That was something else special about Silverhawks: the villains were so much cooler than the smug, boring heroes. Even though they always lost in the end, it was almost subversive that a cartoon could have young viewers (or, at least this young viewer) rooting for the villains. It was very cathartic, a healthy way of embracing one's dark side without doing other people harm.Silverhawks was a great show, it deserves much more respect than it gets. I'm hoping this might be remedied during its 20th anniversary in 2006.
Leo_Stryke I loved this show growing up and it still holds fond memories in my heart. It does require a bit of a suspension of disbelief ( but what 80's kid show didn't? ). The characters were cool, Mon-star had an interesting design for sure. I'd love to see this series on DVD as well as the other 2 Rankin Bass classics : Thundercats and Tigersharks.Good times, good times.