The film Shuffle (2011) offers audiences a rare treat: a thought provoking, emotionally gripping story suitable for a family audience. Exceedingly well written, with powerful acting, excellent makeup and special effects, and incredible lighting and photography, this beautiful film both entertains and inspires!The plot unfolds gradually in the beginning. But soon Shuffle captures the attention of viewers through a series of intriguing events. Populated with fascinating, yet believable characters, the movie contains many outstanding moments. It addresses profound issues within the context of daily events in a masterful way.The central character encounters a challenge apparently so unusual that he cannot believe his own dilemma. He encounters disturbing clues along the way from unexpected sources. As a narcoleptic, he struggles with temporal issues- but this film goes much deeper, to present a reality extending beyond the superficial confines of time and space.This movie offers a great treat. Don't miss this one!
Really worth seeing! If you like films that make you think - time travel, alternate realities etc. you'll enjoy this.Every path chosen leads us down a road, the one that we know as our life. What about the paths that we don't choose - do they still lead lives of their own?Great concept, outstanding acting (who knew the nerd from Bones had that performance in him? ;) and just an amazing job. There could have been a bunch of different ways to end it but that's the fun - the film inspires dialogue, ideas and debate.Love seeing high quality films on low budgets - gives us all hope.Long live Independent films!
Mark Stone
When I first loaded up this movie via Netflix, the description had me thinking I was getting another time-traveling thriller mystery. Boy, am I glad I was wrong.For those who say this movie had too much of a "sappy" ending, the female lead was STILL his _true_ love. She started the circle of the lead character's life, it was only right that she be there at the "end' of the circle.If you go into this wanting wild science fiction time traveling... you need to find a different title. If you want a GREAT story, with a fantastic beginning, middle, AND end, this movie is a must see, and the B&W and color scenes mixed in, made it nearly perfect.
This is the story of a narcoleptic photographer who wakes up each day at a different stage in his life. He learns that there is a purpose to this nightmare hes living and he must save someone. I wont give anymore away but I will say that the ending is quite satisfying as is the entire movie. T.J. Thyne plays Lovell Milo the title character whose names sounds like its being being said backwards, an outstanding job. There are also incredible performances from Chris Stone and Tamara Taylor. But the show is almost stolen by Paula Rhodes who plays Thyne's lifelong friend and love interest. This movie is inspiring, compelling and one of a kind. I would recommend it to all around movie buffs and casual movie watchers alike. Shuffle is an experience like no other.