
2002 "Lights. Camera. Aggravation."
5.6| 1h35m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 14 March 2002 Released
Producted By: Village Roadshow Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A spoof of buddy cop movies where two very different cops are forced to team up on a new reality based T.V. cop show.

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Village Roadshow Pictures

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shawn-jersey The thing that really got me was Eddie Murphy's character. I can't seem to wrap my mind around the concept of someone being a police officer as strictly a day job. When I was working person at New York State Crime Victims Board I had to deal with all kinds of cops and they ran the gamut between the really dedicated and some real slugs, but I can't think of one who thought that this was just something I do until I get my career going in an area far afield. I mean, can you really see Eddie Murphy or anyone else going through the rigors of the real Police Academy, not the screen version, just to get a day job?Anyway DeNiro is your basic hard working detective who's on the trail of a major gun dealer. He's undercover and Murphy is part of his backup. So what does the showboating Murphy do, he calls a reality based TV series like COPS to film the action. So DeNiro's bust gets blown sky high, but the producer of the show gets some good footage of Murphy and DeNiro and decides on a new reality based television series. So these unwilling partners get joined and try to continue working DeNiro's case with all the TV cameras around.Eddie Murphy's a funny guy, I loved him in Beverly Hills Cop and in the Doctor Doolittle movies, but he's done better things than Showtime and Robert DeNiro certainly has.
gwnightscream Robert De Niro, Eddie Murphy, Rene Russo, Frankie Faison, Kadeem Hardison and William Shatner star in this 2002 action-comedy. This takes place in L.A. focusing on depressed, police detective, Mitch Preston (De Niro) who gets paired with policeman & inspired actor, Trey Sellers (Murphy) to be on a TV reality cop series, "Showtime." Mitch and Trey get off to a rough start, but eventually become friends while the show films their everyday routine on the streets and trying to catch an arms dealer. Russo (Get Shorty) plays the show's producer, Chase Renzi, Faison (Coming to America) plays Mitch's lieutenant, Winship, Hardison (Vampire in Brooklyn) plays Trey's friend, Kyle and Shatner (Star Trek) plays himself who directs Mitch and Trey in a scene and gives them pointers from his 80's cop series, "T.J. Hooker." De Niro's daughter, Drena also appears in the film as Chase's assistant, Annie. This isn't bad, De Niro and Murphy are good together and have some funny moments. The film is basically a spoof and tribute to buddy-cop films and I recommend it.
pichinga2 Like some other review said, I gave this movie a 10 because it made me laugh and it's well produced. De Niro and Murphy roles are amazingly delivered by each of them, and even the dog scenes are to make you laugh. My favorite part is when Russo describes Mitch's apartment as a good match to his personality as she opens the window and she finds that the view from there is a brick wall. My other favorite part is the dog with his nose covered in white dust. Another scene is Mitch trying to get out of his new Hummer without being noticed by his fellow co-workers. One of my heart breakers is when they try to take away everything Mitch given to decorate his apartment to make it look sophisticated, but he holds on to the dog that he didn't even want in to begin with.
lastliberal Well, Robert De Niro and Eddie Murphy made enough to buy their Christmas presents with this film.Never breaking into a sweat, De Niro phones in his performance as detective Mitch Preston, while Murphy is Trey Sellars, a street cop who wants to be an actor. So, lets have a film crew do a reality show about cops.What follows is a Saturday Night Live skit on TV cop shows with no apparent point. It would probably last one week before cancellation.Cameos by Johnnie L. Cochran Jr., and William Shatner as T.J. Hooker.Showtime is best avoided altogether.