She's Out of My League

2010 "When she's this hot, You get one shot."
6.4| 1h44m| R| en| More Info
Released: 12 March 2010 Released
Producted By: Paramount Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When he starts dating drop-dead gorgeous Molly, insecure airport security agent Kirk can't believe it. As his friends and family share their doubts about the relationship lasting, Kirk does everything he can to avoid losing Molly forever.

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thisanant Without a lot of big stars , explosions and special effects , the movie delivers a lot of laughter , primarily due to the linear story , great chemistry between leads , better direction and hilariously funny supporting cast members .
Python Hyena She's Out of My League (2010): Dir: Jim Field Smith/ Cast: Jay Baruchel, Alice Eve, T.J. Miller, Mike Vogel, Lindsay Sloane: Comedy that examines the attitude when it comes to physical attractiveness. Jay Baruchel plays an airline security guard who retrieves the cell phone of gorgeous Alice Eve who misplaced it. To his bewilderment they hook up and everyone speculates regarding why she would hook up with him. Director Jim Field Smith does his best with the cliché ridden script. He asks the right questions regarding the opinions of others when it comes to relationships but the delivery is far from a perfect ten. Problem is that Baruchel and Eve lack chemistry. His character may be awkward but he is also unsympathetic. A scene where her parents walk in on them having sex could have been funny but instead it leaves him looking like a moron. She is great eye candy but needs more than just a slapped on event planner job. Eve is truly fetching to the eyes but that is the height of her performance here. T.J. Miller and Mike Vogel also appear as his friends of bad advice. They observe and form obnoxious opinions as to why he is not right for her and that the laws of attractiveness are being violated. Lindsay Sloane plays Baruchel's ex-girlfriend who split likely so to avoid being in the rest of the film. Its theme is right on with these arguments but the couple here just isn't believable. This film is out of its league when being compared to real romantic comedies with real feeling. The couple featured here is about as compatible as comparing this film to Casablanca. Score: 4 / 10
gorgonite She's Out Of My League is a slightly over the top romantic comedy with a big heart.An hour into the film I looked at my watch! That however is a good thing because I didn't want it to end. Then 3/4 into it the inevitable happened, the obligatory boy loses girl.So really it should be a solid 7 or 8/10. However instead of a tacked on ending, we get to enjoy a great finale which turns it right round.The main characters are a rather weak looking and pathetically 'nice' Jay Baruchel with a rather pretty and adorable Alice Eve. Supporting Jay are a motley crew of pals who try their best to remote control him and get the girl who is most definitely out of his league!Supporting Alice is the straight talking Krysten Ritter, who doesn't have much to work with but sparkles. The same also applies to Nate Torrence who was great!Jay and his crew work in airport security whilst Alice is a party planner who is frisked through by Jay. Chaos and order ensues!Pros - Sweet, Funny, Rude, BootlaceCons - Too short!Overall - 11 out of 10
minez01 When 'She's Out of My League' was released, I had never heard of it. In fact I only heard about it three years later when I saw the first 10 minutes on TV. After that 10 minutes, I was interested so I bought the DVD primarily because I dislike not seeing movie endings, and was very pleasantly surprised at the outcome.I thought 'She's Out of My League' was excellent. For a movie that has taken so many used ideas, it manages to blend everything together perfectly into a semi-crude but always cheerful romantic comedy about a regular Joe named Kirk and his struggles when he meets and dates Molly, a girl who is seemingly way higher up than he on almost every scale.I think the main strength of this movie was the characters - prior to seeing it, I'd never heard of any of them, nor seen any movies they'd been in, and I was able to get into the story much better than had it been filled with Hollywood A-listers. The writing was sound, though the ideas were all very formulaic and horribly predictable, however in the end I found that it didn't matter anyway. The withdrawn and kind nature of Kirk, combined with the idiocy (and loyalty) of his mismatched group of friends meant that I couldn't help but love the transition Kirk made from bumbling loser to confident boyfriend of a woman likely to be the hottest girl in the city.Some people seemed to have issues with the vulgar nature of some of the movie, though personally I didn't. I thought most scenes were very funny, and though swearing occurs here and there I thought that most of the comedic scenes were clever enough in construction that they didn't actively detract from the love story going on around them.All in all I was very surprised after watching this movie. I expected that it might be another average romantic comedy that I'd watch a couple of times and then it would wear off, but instead this movie is full of emotion and offers a lot of heart and feeling, something sorely missing in many other films. I'll also specially mention the soundtrack which I personally consider to be one of the best I've heard to date (well, using songs that weren't made for the movie). Yes, the airport scene at the end is horribly cliché, but I can't help but smile every time I hear the opening guitar of Jet's 'Cold Hard B****' as Molly goes chasing after Kirk. Great Stuff.