She Doesn't Love Me

She Doesn't Love Me
7.7| 0h16m| en| More Info
Released: 10 December 2010 Released
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Country: Argentina
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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No Me Ama (She Doesn’t Love Me) is about a couple traveling through Uruguay. Besides a beautiful backdrop of scenery, this film features an interesting monologue about a guy and his feelings for the girl he is backpacking with. He longs to hear words she hasn’t told him, but is it about the words left unsaid, or the expression of love through little gestures?

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Mlle_Chouette Sweet, touching and a little bit naive (but in a good way) short film. There's no deep social idea, but on the contrary, it focuses on the whole puzzle that we create thinking what other people might think about us and interpreting their actions according to that idea. I totally recommend it to everyone, you can easily find it on YouTube!