Bad movie thanks to writers and directors for wasting Joan's hotness!I hate this movie!!! They had Joan Van Ark player a hooker and wasted a golden opportunity! She had really no sex scenes, undressing or wearing sexy revealing clothing!! The writers and directors need to be tarred and feathered!! Joan would have been more than up to the challenge of doing sexy scenes and showing off the worlds hottest body!!! Arrest all production people from the movie! They had Joan in a Red curly wig, it was UGLY! These people need their heads knocked together! Why not show her beautiful, gorgeous, blonde locks, which would be perfect for a sexy hooker anyway! Joan and Perry King should have had sex scenes!! Stupid!! Joan as a hooker without dodo bird writers, producers, stylists and directors would have been the hottest, sexiest thing in the world and they are dumb butts! Joan, like I said would have been more than happy to show more skin and grace our eyes with her hot body! Perry King had too many scenes and Joan didn't have enough.