Shake, Rattle & Roll 13

Shake, Rattle & Roll 13
6.2| 2h25m| en| More Info
Released: 25 December 2011 Released
Producted By: Regal Entertainment
Country: Philippines
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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An old man Lando (Ronnie Lazaro) has buried something under his house. When he is finished, he encounters a group of white people. The chieftain (Manu Respall) demands Lando to give back something that belongs to them which he refuses. Angered, he and his tribesmen savagely killed him.

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Leofwine_draca The thirteenth in this long-running Filipino film series follows on the trend of the last few movies by not being very good. This time it's more of a mixed bag, with at least one tale showing promise, but let down by the other two. The first story takes place at a haunted ranch and is very traditional, with grey ghost make-up and the like. The second is about a trio of witches wreaking havoc and it's by far the best, with lots of spooky moments and make-up effects. The last tale is supposedly about a killer storm, but it's very slow and doesn't really go anywhere, ending things with a whimper rather than a bang.
sanketsudke This movie is really bad.It consists of 3 stories all of them have the same old theme and all of them are very boring. The acting,the story,cinematography are very bad. Avoid this movie at all cost.The director has failed in his attempt to provide even a few scares . The make-up is very funny.Even children will not get scared by the ghosts shown in this movie. Lets not forget the acting,even little children can act better. I cannot understand why this movie has such a high rating,how come it win soo many award?? If u have a lot of time and don't know what to do ,then watch the sunset rather than seeing this movie