
2011 "Smother The Demons"
5.9| 1h20m| en| More Info
Released: 06 July 2011 Released
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
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A reclusive sports hustler returns home to his family farm after years of absence to reunite with his two eccentric, unhinged and emotionally damaged brothers.

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zif ofoz .............. but I enjoyed it!The setting is spooky enough to make you have no end of thoughts as to which direction this flick will take. A back woods family of men with each having an unusual and possibly disturbed personality.The comedy is very thin here and the acting is borderline amateurish but director Tully keeps it tame and in the end we have an odd movie with lots of questions for the viewer.To analyze this movie would go in too many directions but i believe the message is we are what we are and no amount of preaching will change it!
frivolousfate Brother returns home(Kid A). He was a former football star, destined for greatness. His father is a little feminine. Kid B is a little manly, and artistic and idk...normal? And Kid C is idk..retarded?-slow? -a nice down to earth person. Kid B has Kid A on a pedestal. He lives vicariously through Kid A's accomplishments it seems. Had such high hopes for him, but Kid A must live his own life, for he has his own demons.Kid A, the long lost son, after returning home-...hustles locals at different sports-basketball-tennis-he is obviously very lost- using money to buy alcohol, which he chugs-another scene he sniffs gas. He is a bearded mess. Looks the part of a lost soul-lost in himself. The end-Religion. Must condemn the plumber. Father in a dress. The condemned plumber chopping a tree. The sons-idk-just there-sure they gain something ...and the final ending...father in his dress shirt-a song being sung-sons sitting around. What was gained by this all? I do not know! Did the lost son regain some sort of peace? I don't know. I know the father did not gain himself. The other boys were mere filler.But it was fun to watch.Not great. Not terrible.Worthwhile though. I need another viewing I think, maybe then I'll gain another perspective.What is accomplished? - not much.
sgcim If you're looking for something quirky and good, definitely check this out. It will keep you guessing wtf it's about till the end, and even then, you're not sure what you watched- a football feel-good movie, a southern Gothic thriller, a comedy, or an indie morality play.It had me laughing my head off, but it wasn't my typical laugh- it was a laugh followed by a full sentence. I watched it with my brother, which probably wasn't a good idea considering the plot of this film. Tully joins the ranks of Mike Leigh, Hal Hartley and Todd Solondz as a film maker with a unique vision. The part where they harmonized on "Smother Your Demons" was priceless.
JvH48 Original story, starting with the lost brother who comes home after many years. Gradually, several other people appear, all of them adding to the mix of unusual characters. Funny things happen from the start, and continue through the end. Apart from the guy with the metal detector finding various interesting items around the house, also some proverbial skeletons come out of the closet.Before this one I attended a screening in the Rotterdam filmfestival 2011, that puzzled me what it was all about. Luckily, this film resurrected me, and it gave me a wonderful hilarious 80 minutes. No more needs to be said. Only that I'm still wondering where the vicar (was he really one?) came from, and how he fits in the picture.