"Sennentuntschi" is about the most excruciatingly tedious horror movie I have ever watched, and I have seen thousands of horror movies.Nothing of any interest happens in the movie.Even if it did, you probably wouldn't notice, because everything is so drawn out and protracted that you won't be paying attention.The movie seemed to actually "begin" at about the forty five minute mark. Everything that led up to that was basically irrelevant, or could have been established in about two minutes.There were a couple of head-scratching (or face-palming) moments right at the beginning of the movie, making me think it was going to be bad, but at least entertaining. In one scene, after a girl says she saw a boy in the wilderness, police show her photos of boys on a computer, and she recognizes the one she saw. "That's impossible," the policeman says. "He went missing thirty years ago." Ooh! Mysterious. But not as mysterious, perhaps, as the question of why the policeman is showing the girl photos of boys from 30 years ago, since, if they were still alive, they'd all be well into adulthood now, and the photos would be hopelessly outdated.Shortly thereafter, a priest is found hanging by the neck. "So it's suicide, then?" asks an onlooker. Uh? Wouldn't that be perfectly obvious? The movie is apparently based on an Alpine myth about the Sennentuntschi. With that kind of ageless pedigree, with a story that would be unknown to most, from a remote region... how could it have been this dull? I guess the myth is about a created woman. That is what the movie is sort of about. It is so light on detail, and so heavy, heavy, mercilessly heavy on padding, that I don't really know and I. Don't. Care.
Watchful Eye
Watched this on Netflix, intrigued by the description about an old folktale. The film turned out to be somewhat contrary to my expectations, but actually in a good way.Without giving too much away, the film is a slow-burner that moves on multiple time levels. The flow feels natural, and adds to the mystery, so the chosen narrative approach was a good one. The film contains none of the modern Hollywoodian jump-scare crap - another top-notch decision by the director and writers. The main timeline's '70s setting helps to create the slightly skewered atmosphere of the film.The film can be interpreted on several metaphorical levels, but it works well even when just taken as a genre movie. All in all, I really liked the idea and its execution. Emotional stuff, really well played.Be warned though. As said, this is a real slow-burner, and the horror primarily comes from the atmosphere and -- well, you should check it out!
Isolated village in Swiss Alps is perfect scenery for a good thriller. This one starts good, but to the end, it gets more and more confusing. I get the general idea what happened, but for movie to be a good (and for me to like it) you need to explain all details (like those three corpses at the end, whose are they ? I googled but I couldn't find any explanation in English). Also, the characters decisions are very weird. It's like, for a smallest things they start shooting at each other. There's a fair amount of violence that I don't mind, but I figure others might dislike.On technical note, other from confusing but still decent directing/editing - acting and sound/music are good. I also appreciate that there's nothing fantasy/supernatural in the story (well, almost nothing, who's that kid with the mirror at the beginning ? One more unexplained detail), just a plain crime/mystery/thriller. My final mark is above average, it kept me tied to chair from start to end. If for nothing else, you could give it a chance just for beautiful mountain scenery.
I went to see this movie in cinema yesterday. We didn't have high expectations because Swiss movies are usually not as good as I'd like them to be. This movie was different, all the actors did a great job, especially R. Mesquida and A. Zogg, who played some of the main parts were very convincing and the perfect cast for this role. The story was very mysterious in the beginning, the images of the mountains and landscapes were breathtaking and really stunning. Some scenes were quiet brutal and rude, but never tasteless or offending, and even though the movie had that mysterious touch in the beginning, even supernatural, it all turns out to be logical and not unreal in the ending. Also you could never say how the movie ends or where it goes, I like that a lot in movies, when you can't predict the end. The shooting location, a small village in the mountains of Grischuna was perfect, romantic but not kitsch, it shows the real Switzerland, outside of the big cities and everything about traditions and lifestyle of the people was really accurate. The only disadvantage was for me, that sometimes it wasn't quiet clear when certain things happened, like back-flashes or present shots, it wasn't pointed out when what happened. But all in all I am proud of my country, releasing such a great movie I've never expected, I can give it a 9 star rating. I can only recommend this movie to you out there, its worth it.