Seeds of Yesterday

Seeds of Yesterday
5.6| 1h26m| en| More Info
Released: 12 April 2015 Released
Producted By: Jane Startz Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The Sheffield family reveal and go through some home truths as their middle child inherits the Foxworth mansion. The family's ghosts looming over, and more tragedies are in store as the curse lives on.

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Jane Startz Productions

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TheBlueHairedLawyer I won't deny that this modern version of V.C. Andrews' 4th book in the Dollanganger series has a lot of cinematic style, highlighting the dark and ugly secrets of the rich and strange in a haunting and often surreal way. But Seeds of Yesterday just came across as lame and overdramatic. The acting was horrible for the most part, and the character of Cindy especially really got on my nerves. She's this wealthy, worldly dancer, almost an adult, so it makes sense for her to just blurt out "d!ckhead" at her brother like a five-year-old? The perverse sex scenes between siblings Cathy and Christopher were just shudder-inducing, disgusting and frankly silly. The film takes place in an earlier point in time, yet every character talks just like a 21st century hipster. All of them act like children. The constant lines such as Bart's "your wife can't stay off my junk" and the pretentious speech style of the immature and dysfunctional family seemed out of place and a little stupid.I honestly think that this film series has been stretched out much longer than it needed to be, and that it's just a cash cow for a company already known for making identical films about shallow cookie-cutter families. I never would've thought that Lifetime would be the company to revive this twisted series, and instead of focusing on giving the story some depth, they just kept on piling up the shock value of the incest, sexual phrases and violent theatrics. I just kept laughing the whole way through, because it's impossible to take Seeds of Yesterday seriously.
SnoopyStyle Corrine is dead and the Foxworth Manor has been rebuilt. It is expected that religious Bart is inheriting the family fortune on his 25th birthday after years of psychiatric treatment and poisoned by Malcolm's journal. His parents Cathy and Christopher Sheffield have been managing the money for him. He has changed his name from Sheffield to Foxworth. His brother Jory is a star ballet dancer and his wife Melodie announces her pregnancy. Adopted sister Cindy overhears Bart talking about insurance on Jory over the phone. Jory performs for Bart's 25th birthday and is paralyzed by a suspicious accident. Bart and Melodie start having an affair. An extra clause in the will leaves control of the fortune to Christopher for another 10 years.Sorry for the Star Wars reference. I like that Bart is fully Darth Vader. There is no more Anakin. It makes it much more fun. He is deliciously crazy and evil. He makes this better than 'If There Be Thorns'. As Lifetime movies go, this series is better than most. It's an overwrought soap.
dhainline1 I thought even without Corinne's religious brother, Joel making a sudden appearance like he did in the book, the ending of the Dollanganger series was satisfactory. James Maslow made an excellent Bart Foxworth (Dollanganger was a funny name Cathy, Chris, Carrie and Cory's father found in the genealogy). Foxworth was the real last name of this family. James was creepy, attractive, and rather scary as the ultra-religious Bart who thinks his family is mired in sin and will all suffer from hell's torment. The other characters were great and I thought the newborn twins who were Deirdre and Darren Marquet (older brother Jory's children) were adorable! Sammy Hanratty as slutty younger adopted Cindy was great and she and James Maslow had a love/hate sexual relationship. The last scene with Cathy going up to the attic of the mansion and yellow flowers appearing was a fitting closure to this series!
wes-connors The fourth (and, presumably, final) "Lifetime" TV-movie in the "Flowers in the Attic" (2014) series continues to focus on the children who took the spotlight in "If There Be Thorns" (2015). Blonde mom Rachael Carpani and doctor dad Jason Lewis and (as Cathy and Christopher "Chris" Dollanganger) return as the incestuous parents; they provide good-looking continuity and have more involvement in the storyline. However, they take a back seat to the story's newest entry in the crowded "shirtless hunk" character sweepstakes, handsome James Maslow (as Bartholomew "Bart" Foxworth). Here, he has restored the original Foxworth mansion, which burned to the ground in "Petals on the Wind" (2014). No slouch in the shirtless department, Anthony Konechny (as Jory Marquet) assumes the role as Mr. Maslow's brother...The family gathers at the mansion to sort out inheritances and have uncontrolled sex with each other..."Seeds of Yesterday" ups the arousing female quotient, which had dipped in the previous movie; however, there are no nipples. The new nymphomaniac in the mansion is sexually-charged Sammi Hanratty (as Cynthia "Cindy" Sheffield). The little blonde girl adopted in the previous story reveals her real worth, herein. Of course, she was meant to grow up and have sex with anyone willing, which she states is her insatiable "appetite." Also needing, as she says, "a man inside me," is ballet dancer Leah Gibson (as Melodie). Lead actor Maslow attracts every woman in the cast, even getting his mom on her knees for a suggestive scene. In between the sex, the story is lost and confused. Original author Virginia C. Andrews' characters seem only used to show various family members live simply to copulate with each other.**** Seeds of Yesterday (4/12/15) Shawn Ku ~ James Maslow, Anthony Konechny, Sammi Hanratty, Rachael Carpani