Secrets of the Heart

7| 1h45m| en| More Info
Released: 01 October 1997 Released
Producted By: Canal+
Country: Spain
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Javi and his friend Carlos visit an old house on the outskirts of a small Spanish village. According to his brother Juan this is a haunted house and one can hear the voices of the dead. Later he is intrigued with a room which is always closed (the room where his father was found dead). He is so interested in these mysteries that he starts to investigate all the secrets of these dead people and their stories.

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Atreyu_II This Spanish film was a success in both ways (box office and critically). Despite a few faults and a few somewhat inconsistent sequences, it is a reasonable movie.Secrets are the main subject of this film, what this movie is mostly about. The second main subject is death - not *really* deaths "per se", but more of conversations about it and secrets related to those deaths.This foreign motion picture has a solid story, even though (just a personal thought) it could use more sequences in the old abandoned house. That'd only do good to it.Javi is wonderfully performed by Andoni Erburu. This kid must have been quite a revelation when this movie came out. His cuteness, his tender and so expressive face, his undeniable talent... a natural-born actor. Íñigo Garcés also gives a good portrayal of his friend Carlos. The same about Álvaro Nagore (who sadly died in a car crash shortly after this movie was made, at the very young age of 14/15) as Juan (Javi's brother). Javi's grandfather is funny because he is such a grumpy old man and he is well portrayed by the actor.The mysterious voices of dead people heard in some bits of this movie must have served as an inspiration for the over-hyped American film 'The Sixth Sense'.
Gordon-11 This film is so sweet!When I watched this film it really brought me back to my childhood times. How I tell lies to scare my little brother was almost identical to what Juan did to Javi. And how Javi believed them all!Javi was so sweet, and the acting by the little kids were great. The way that Javi and Carlos were disappointed at not seeing the girl's private part was so greatly acted. In addition, the sadness when Carlos lost his mother was almost genuine.It was so interesting to see the world through a child's eye. Everything became so simple and yet so mysterious. I liked this film a lot and I would recommend it to others.
daneeelj Usually I can find a weakness in any movie I've watched, but this movie's unique, as I can't find anything wrong with it... It's sometimes a sad movie, but not the kind of bleeding heart sadness in those awful modern comedy love stories. If you get the chance to see this movie, see it.
Carlo Houtkamp A beautiful film this little Spanish masterpiece from writer/director Montxo Armendàriz. He shows magnificent skill, subtlety and integrity when it comes to portraying the small town 1950's characters and their daily problems and pleasures. Seen through the eyes of young Javi, wonderfully played by Andoni Erburu who is in practically every scene.A masterpiece this is. It is a great relief to know that films like this are made among the excessive violence of ultimately worthless films. I cannot discover any weaknesses in Secretos del Corazón. I simply love it. Credit to all who were involved in the creation of this beautiful work.