Second Coming

Second Coming
3.5| 1h25m| en| More Info
Released: 30 June 2009 Released
Producted By: Yacaman Productions
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Growing up as identical twin sisters, Lora and Ashley Gerritson always had a special psychic bond. When one would feel pain, sorrow or happiness, the other felt it too. Lora's life is suddenly changed when she begins to receive chilling visions from her sister, Ashley. Something is horribly wrong...she can feel it.

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Yacaman Productions

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kornstress_81 Okay at first this movie seemed pretty good even though it was moving rather quick and even though they only had a $60,000 budget it was good but if you found your sister dead in a lake and found out who might have killed her why would you go chase him around and pull a gun on him with only one bullet and waste it and end up running from him all retarded and get yourself killed? Plus after you found your sister dead in the lake and found a clue and figured out who the killer was why wouldn't you hand that clue over to the police who think you killed her? And at the end of the movie when she acts like her sister who was a waitress and she is talking to the bad guy she should of met him somewhere and recorded him saying she was dead and what happened for her "proof". I don't know I was not happy with the ending. This movie could of been so much better if it lasted longer and the acting was better and if the ending did not suck so bad! Do not waste your money on this movie because if you do you will be writing a review on here too and will not be happy.
deadman111206 It was a very amazing movie. The actress (Juliet Reeves) was awesome. She is a rising star of our time. I cannot wait to get more titles, with comedy, drama, and horror with her in them. The movie itself had a well written plot, it kept you on the edge of your seat. It had an exceptional cast, that was also well directed and produced. I would love to see all the same people in other titles. Not every day do you get to see a good movie that makes you want to see it again and again. What more can I say about this movie besides the fact that I will recommend this movie to friends and family, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that they will enjoy it just as much as I did. Further more I cannot wait to see more titles with the wonderful Juliet Reeves. Thank you very much.
dmaigut just got this and I was totally surprised at how "studio quality" this film looked. I mean, they shot it for pesos or something, real low budget. Well directed, great performances (specially young Haley Boyle), a fantastic score and a weird finale. Well done, definitely worth a look. The little twins were real good, and the actor that played their father was excellent, real evil. Also, the flashback sequences were very well shot and executed. The villain, Greg Thompson, was totally spot on, I suffer from tinnitus and his performance brought it all back. By the way, using tinnitus as part of the plot was smart, as it is a torture. Great film.
isaksson-sara There is so much that is wrong with this film, but to sum it up: Terrible acting- so bad it must have been on purpose. poor script - they may have had some good ideas but this was not the best way to present the story. ridiculously bad ending- in some cases the ending manages to save the film-not in this case. if you manage to sit through the entire film you will want to kick yourself at the end because the ending is not even worth waiting for. This is the worst film i have seen in a long time. It was complete torture sitting through this film, i would have appreciated someone warning me in advance. So do yourself a favor. Watch this film only if you have absolutely nothing better to do. Even then you will regret having put yourself through the unspeakable torture.