Lilith Hexus
It is a rare event when I rate a movie on the level of a 10, but if I could, I would go even higher for this film. I grew up with many films like this. Cartoon fantasies including "BFG", "The Brave Frog", "The Hobbit", and even "Wizards"... but none quite effected me on the level of this brilliant movie. While, when I was young, I did not capture the fantastic beauty of such a sweet story, I did feel something that nothing else gave me. Something... perfect. I only wish I could find it, and sadly I cannot.The story is, as many say, somewhat themed after Shakespeare's classic "Romeo & Juliet", however, the mixture of vibrant Fantasy and animation makes this far more memorable (And I am a lover of R&J). This is, in my truest of hearts, THE movie to me. There is no better movie, and there is no film that means more.I would recommend this to anyone with a child in their heart, and passion in their soul. It is a wonderful piece of cinematic genius, and I know that if I could only find it... I could reclaim a piece of my wondrous childhood.If you ever find this, obtain it and hold onto it. You do not know what a beautiful Gem you possess.
The last time I saw this film must have been nearly fifteen years ago. During that time, although I had forgotten the title entirely, there were aspects of this film that stuck in my brain and likely contributed to a few random dreams; I remember not really following the plot as a child, but I recalled finding it A) very beautiful, and B), unbelievably dark. Certain scenes and characters have stayed with me with dogged persistence---a swarm of jellyfish that seem to electrocute or burn their victims to death rather than poisoning them; the deaths of two juvenile characters that hammer home the realization that, like in the film *Cube*, every last character is expendable; and the image that probably haunted me most of all, the scene towards the end involving a forced cocooning that speaks volumes about parental coercion and a pigheaded refusal to see reason. Many reviewers have compared the story to Romeo & Juliet, and although I wouldn't have understood the analogy as a child, I'm sure I recall the realization that, however majestic and omnipotent the combatants (Sea and Fire, in this case), the conflict presented is nothing more than a childish feud, a pointless and senseless sparring match that will probably never see a true victory. Pretty disturbing themes for a film allegedly for children! Now that I have recently rediscovered the title(s), I would greatly enjoy finding this film again, if only for old time's sake. It's rare that a film leaves such a long impression on me, and for all those out there who also were touched by this film, I'd recommend it in a double billing with Martin Rosen's *Watership Down*, a similarly lovely and chilling animation.
I have always loved this movie. I don't know how my dad bought it but it must have been popular in the states when I was young. It is my favorite animated movie because of how beautiful it is. I used to pretend I was Princess Malta every night before I went to bed. Please try to find and see it if you are a lover of pretty things. My favorite thing about this movie is how sacrifice is romanticized. The only downside is the overused Romeo and Juliet theme, albeit, the story deviates from the older story enough to fool younger viewers. Malta is drawn very beautifully and so is Oceanus, the sea god. It is very dreamy and beautiful to journey into the world of "The Sea Prince and the Fire Child."
I've adored this movie since before I can remember, it was the first anime I ever saw. It will always hold a special place in my heart. Anime fans must all watch it, at least watch it. It has some humor but towards the end it becomes more of a story of two star-crossed lovers in a hopeless situation. It reminds me a little of Romeo and Juliet. Even if you are not a fan of anime, watch it still. It is still a good story and should be acknowledged by all. Don't miss out on this movie, it's hard to find, but great nonetheless. So to all of you who are just sitting on your but in front the computer, reading other people's comments, and having no opinion of your own: go get one!