Screamers: The Hunting

2009 "The Perfect Weapon Is Now The Ultimate Killing Machine"
4.7| 1h34m| R| en| More Info
Released: 17 February 2009 Released
Producted By: Pope Productions
Country: Canada
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A group of humans arrive on Sirius 6-B to investigate an SOS signal sent out from the planet, which has been supposedly deserted since the destruction of the man-made weapons known as "screamers." Once the squad arrives, they find a group of human survivors eking out an existence in an old military outpost.

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A_Different_Drummer This review is using the "oeuvre" approach in which the history of the work matters.Essentially this is an indirect homage to the original. I say indirect because the reflex in the Canadian industry to do knockoffs of any script with a pulse is so ingrained you could argue that the homage was accidental in the process of doing another knockoff.Still with me? Now SCREAMERS I is right up there with Cube and RobocopI as representing the cream of the Canuck film machine. Early on the Canadians while busy producing cheap knockoffs of US content accidentally discovered that occasionally they do do something really special on a small budget.Screamers I was one such accidental hit. It was not merely a good film but holds up well today and heck if you have not seen it lets stop jabbering so you can go find a copy.This film, Screamers 2 (they say a S3 is in production but who knows?) repeats many of the same themes, with a little less enthusiasm and a lot smaller budget.It is not a bad film. Especially if you miss S1 and need your screamers fix.Otherwise stick with the original
Claudio Carvalho After two months in cryogenic sleep, a rescue mission composed of seven crew members arrive in Sirius 6B to investigate an SOS distress signal sent from the planet. Sirius 6B was assumed uninhabited after the annihilation of humans by the weapons screamers created by the scientist Orsow (Lance Henriksen).On the arrival, the team led by Captain Andy Sexton (Greg Bryk) is informed that in seven days, the planet will be blown by a severe storm that will destroy any survivor and they need to leave the planet before the event. Sooner they meet humans in a military outpost that battle against them and the team spends the night in a facility. They find hundreds of deactivated screamers and during the night, Sexton sneaks out and charges one screamer to download its hard disk with all the information about the lethal weapon. On the next morning, they return to their spaceship Medusa and learn that s screamer has killed the watcher Soderquist (Jody Richardson) and stolen the battery cells. Now they must contact the hostile survivors the get any battery cell that might be available in the planet. When they succeed in contacting the survivors, they learn that the screamers have evolved to a state-of-art generation with human form."Screamers: The Hunting" is an entertaining B-movie made for television with the king of the genre Lance Henriksen. I had glanced at the unfair reviews in IMDb and only yesterday I decided to see this film with the lowest expectation.However, the story is very reasonable, with action, good special effects considering that it is a TV movie and a predictable rip-off "Alien" in the end. The rescue team is probably the clumsiest ever, since the team members commit only mistakes and misjudgment of the situation and leads themselves and the survivors that have been living in the planet for many years to death. How the screamer has entered in Medusa is a good question. Why one member of the squad walks without his tab is another good question. Anyway, if the viewer likes B-Sci-Fi films with action, he or she will probably enjoy "Screamers: The Hunting" despite the flaws in the plot. My vote is six.Title (Brazil): "Screamers, A Caçada" ("Screamers, The Hunting")
mike_cable Screamers (the first one) was great and Peter Weller did a fine job in an overall depressing and dark science fiction film. This straight-to-video sequel tells the story of a rescue team coming to the same planet after a distress signal is received.In an attempt to tell the story of a struggle for survival, the rescue team are attacked in a sequence of events that is much like that seen in Aliens. In fact, a grey-haired Lance Henriksen makes an appearance as a mysterious ally.The special effects are not greatly impressive and look like they were done by a kid on a computer who, to his credit, knows what he's doing, but should satisfy most people.The trivia says that a lot of the costumes and sets were made from things such as egg cartons and vacuum cleaner parts, which I can believe.Watch only if you want to see a little more of the Screamers universe. Most of what is going to happen can be anticipated and it has one or two little light scares.
Andy Carrasco (pranakhan) OK, normally I seriously complain about people who leave cynical reviews and can always find something redeeming in many of the most awful films, but this movie almost made a cynic too! That was... until I realized how much fun it was to watch! This movie was extremely entertaining, but it most certainly wasn't due to the quality of film. Simply put: this film is so poorly thrown together and so monumentally cheesy it, by accident, becomes laugh-out-loud camp sci-fi comedy. Like those old 50's era cult camp sci-fi films! My teen son and I had a blast watching this thing. We didn't go more than 15 to 30 seconds between laughs at terribly obviously set pieces, corny Halloween-ish costuming, gawd awful dialog, moronically unrealistic character behaviors, and hilariously nonsensical plot development.I highly recommend you watch this film with a group of friends for a great home-made MSTK 3000 style movie heckling night! When you do, be sure to look for these kinds of things: 1. An "elite military" squad lands on a remote planet for a rescue mission, but due to complete incompetence they do things that would make a naive Army Private cringe, like: the commander NEVER gives out orders, when shooting starts 3 people shout orders, in the most heated point of a firefight one of the "elites" stands up from cover for NO REASON and takes well deserved arrow to the shoulder, the commender carries his gun by the gun sight (maybe hes the squad sniper?), they use REALLY old-fashioned walkie-talkies with a very long telescoping metal antenna (I guess radio shack FRS 2.4Ghz family radios are obsolete in the future). I could keep going but time and space limits say I should move to the next item.2. Terrible costumes. Lance Henrickson's character (the best damn actor in the whole movie) wears a mask with a camera lens over one eye and the costume designer failed to paint over the "SAE F 2.9 RAZOR" stuff on it. The crack military squad goes into a known hostile situation but only after getting attacked do they return wearing extra crappy body armor. The commander looks so queenly while wearing his special helmet, and is that a pregnancy test or an MP3 player stuck on the side of it? 3. If the planet's human survivors have all these firearms, then why the heck does that girl carry a knife with a bone handle and shoot wooden arrows with a bow?!?!?!? 4. One of the FUNNIEST scenes: When one of the squad members is killed by the screamers, the rest of his squad actually BURN his body openly in the desert and stand right next to it like they are cold and trying to warm their hands. I was so waiting for one of them to ask if anyone had some marshmallows for s'mores! They try to explain this saying that the guy wanted to be cremated by his elders, but wouldn't that be the duty of his family back on earth? I mean, do our marines over in Iraq or Afghanistan simply hold human-body bonfires out in the desert after a bad firefight? Jeeeeez! 5. Ludicrously funny sets. Within the first few minutes note the first shot of the interior of the ship looks like a dressed up beauty parlor! I'm positive those were dressed up barber shop chairs! Watch the first time the squad re-enters their ship. A ladder appears out of nowhere in the middle of the room and passes through the hatch, wha? Didn't they hire a continuity director on this? If the screamers move through the dirt ground, why are the survivors hiding in a CAVE with a WOODEN DOOR and a DIRT FLOOR? I'll stop there, next! 6. Joke props with magic sounds: Watch the commander use a cheap digital camera to power up a screamer with wires and alligator clips and use voice activation to tell it to "power target". then watch him pull out a long obsolete memory card with "SD" clearly printed on it, plug it into a USB reader, then into a Chinese MP3 player and then tell it "Download all the files, off the hard drive, everything." SCREAMERS HAVE HARDDRIVES?!?!? APPLE AIRBOOKS HAVE SOLID STATE DRIVES, huh? Are those soldiers carrying AIRSOFT guns in most scenes? On a planet with no trees of any kind, where do they get all the wood for the wooden crates, doors, and that silly girl's bow and arrows? Notice the arrow girl when she falls down is showing her "bone" in the most ludicrous of locations, I almost cracked in half laughing at that one.Okay okay, I think there must have been some 10,000 goofs in this thing, so I'll stop now. Just rent this, or something, drink some beers, call your friends, and get ready for some accidentally brilliant camp comedy!