Terrible, terrible, terrible. Just watched it on HBO----AND IT WAS A TRAIN WRECK! This will go down as one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Idiotic story, inane science, and the acting; think jr. high school play, maybe grade school! So bad I got half way through and my brain started to dissolve. The only thing that got me that far was one question I kept asking myself, "When they were making this film did the actors have any idea how horrible this film would turn out?" You can find more sense in an average Bugs Bunny cartoon. And where does the money come from for trash like this? What kind of idiot would hand over millions and want his/her name associated with such an unbelievable dog of a movie. Oh, if you've seen it and consider it good,I am pretty sure you think every movie ever made was "reely gude"
This movie is not just awful. It is chronically awful.A script that is clichéd and laughable.A plot which is ludicrous and absurd.A cast which is 3rd rate and amateur.The story-line: the Chinese are to blame for causing a seismic shift in the earth, needing the USA to blow up Los Angeles to restore equilibrium and save the world.....blah....blah.....blah.....In real life of course its' thanks to the Yanks and the likes of their adventure in Iraq plus things such as American uncontrolled pollutants ruining the environment that the world is in such a mess.But-hey------when has reality even stopped film-makers lying to us!The movie has rubbishy sub-plots involving father-daughter relationships, which just adds to the nonsense and probably reflects the writers' own angst.3 of the actors in this film:Mark Dascoscos(whoever he is): Plays a military colonel though looks daft in a uniform and the attempted macho image is at odds with the appallingly bad face lift. He would be better off trying for a job modeling pink underwear.Rutger Hauer: Plays the President of the USA. In the all time list of the worst portrayals of this role he takes second place. George W. Bush is the winner.John Rhys-Davis. Plays a scientist. Seems to think that by huffing and puffing with an affected "English" accent he can capture an audience, but all he does is show what an awful 'Ham' actor he is.Marks out of 10 = 00.00001The fractional mark is awarded for giving us the idea to blow up an evacuated LA, which includes Hollywood. Maybe it will rid us of films like this!
There is one reason and one reason only to see this movie. Jeffrey Johnson as Styles. Styles was by far the best part of this otherwise forgettable film. He was really funny and I would have loved a little more comic relief. The film is so bad at times, it is actually funny. If you really want to enjoy this film, crack a few beers, invite over a few friends and just make fun of it! I can think of a worse way to spend an evening. Like watching the finale of Friends. Rutger Hauer's facial expressions are absolutly priceless. What kind of name is Rutger anyway? But I think you will enjoy what little time Styles has on the screen. Perhaps if Jeffrey Johnson had starred in the film it would have been much better. You want a wise cracking hero, he seems to fit the bill to a tee. The thing is to not take yourself way too serious. Styles for President!!
That's what I was left asking myself after watching this movie. Like in Armageddon, they've got to drill and place nukes using the crack team assembled by our fearless leader Ryan Beckett - Played by Mark Dacasco's. Due to budgetary constraints, instead of flying into space we'll just drill in LA and blow up a nuke to somehow affect the Earths plates and prevent the lava from coming out like what happened in VOLCANO. Meanwhile, the typical movie daughter who typically hates her typical self engrossed movie father is involved in a tunnel explosion ripped right out of the movie DAYLIGHT. Sylvester Stallone should take some lessons on escaping a fiery tunnel collapse from this girl, because she made it out in record time and without even messing up her clothes.My favorite part of the movie is when the 'Convoy' is stopped by a couple of midsize cars parked cross-ways in the street. It baffles my why they would take the time to stop and check the laundry that was scattered all over the cars and street. Did a Salvation Army truck blow up? Then there's the sniper on the top of the building. 1 guy with an automatic weapon holds off 5 military trained men with automatic weapons? It appears that bullets have no effect, but you can take a detonator and attach it to a 2 pound package of un-sliced bologna and blow someone up with it. (You'll just have to watch the movie to understand)My last rant must involve the blatant plug for the "Blackberry" device used by Beckets daughter. OK... She lost her's and conveniently gets knocked out and dragged into a wireless store where she can get another one? Let's not mention the fact that she is somehow able to use it to talk to her dad without paying the $39.95 activation fee and subscribing to a usage package. Apparently the call centers supporting these devices has been contracted off-shore to India where they don't think the end is near and can help her get it set up somehow.Aside from my above rants, it's not the worst movie I have ever seen. It's not the best either.