While "Bye, Bye Jupiter" is a bad film, you can't completely dismiss it because there are a few aspects of it that are well done...just a few. In addition, it is a nice bit of nostalgia for old fogies like me who lived through the 1980s--the film is VERY '80s in its look and style.The movie begins in the future and the Earth now has 18 billion people! And, many million more live throughout the solar system. Dr. Eiji Honda (Tomokazu Miura) is in charge of a ridiculous project--though the film treats EVERYTHING deadly serious. They wish to turn Jupiter into a 'mini-sun' so they can then inhabit the nearby moons and planets. However, a small cult of futuristic hippies are doing everything they can to derail this project. Their leader is an obese hippie who sings songs about how wonderful the Earth and nature are (no, it is NOT played by Al Gore).Later, after a deep-space probe is destroyed, the evidence suggests that the solar system and a black hole are on a collision course--and the Earth will be destroyed in only two years! So, Dr. Honda comes up with a crazy plan to blow Jupiter out of orbit and explode it in order to divert the black hole. And how will he accomplish this seemingly impossible task AND save the Earth? Well, he'll do it the way any Japanese picture would handle it--give the project to an 11 year-old! So, on a planet of 18,000,000,000 people, there is no one more qualified and our fate rests on his child-size brain! God help us! Let's talk for a moment about precocious children in Japanese films. This dumb cliché is pretty common in their films. Children often have psychic love-bonds with giant monsters (such as the little brats in "Godzilla Versus the Smog Monster" and "Gamera"). Then, there are the kid science whiz heroes like Johnny Sokko with his flying robot (which, incidentally was stolen by "The Iron Giant"). There are also some sci-fi examples--such as in one of "Invasion of the Neptune Men". There are probably MANY more examples (heck, I am no expert on Japanese cinema)...and yet it boggles the minds of non-Japanese audiences how such a ridiculous cliché repeats itself.Okay, now back to the story. Just before the planet gets blown (maybe I should have worded this better), a group of four terrorists from the cult attack the station and nearly derail this project. Now you'd think that with such an important Earth-saving project that's been in the works for two years AND the cult had done many things already to sabotage the project that they'd have a few security folks on hand! But, it's up to Honda, a red-shirt and the precocious kid (who's now in a wheelchair--much like Davros) to stop the baddies! Oh, and there's some weird and completely undeveloped plot about the 'ghost of Jupiter'--a city-size thing that is a relic from some other planet. I'd say more about this, but frankly the film never really knew what to do with this.So let's talk about the film itself. First, the film has a very international cast...actually, it's mostly white folks and Japanese folks. And as for the actors who look like Americans, none of them seemed to be very competent at acting--and some were downright bad. It was harder to tell with the Japanese ones, as they were all dubbed. And speaking of this, the DVD was weird. It had captions but they often were not much like what the actors were saying--sometimes they said the exact opposite of each other! Additionally, many times the dub and/or the subtitles got units of measurement wrong--and it was silly. Often meters were used instead of kilometers and minutes and hours were often mixed was pretty weird.Considering it was a sci-fi film, it's sad that possibly the worst part of the film (aside from the often senseless writing) were the special effects. The crazy space sex scene was just weird and done very amateurishly. The rest of it ranged from pretty good to just plain awful--and more often than not, the effects were awful. For example, "Space: 1999" (made almost a decade earlier) looked better.But lets talk some more about the bad writing. It wasn't just that the plot often made sense, but the characters just said and did some very dumb things--and often seemed like caricatures than real people. They often did things that made you say to yourself 'why did they do THAT?!'. Then there's the weird knockoff of "Jaws"--yes in a sci-fi film they did a Jaws-like sequence! So overall, aside from occasional moments of decent film work, the overall film is just a dopey mess that only fans of '80s nostalgia could love. It's a very silly film--especially the last 20 minutes or so.
What a mess of a film. This was Toho's first-of the 1980's-foray into Tokusatsu, after a hiatus in 1977 with The War In Space. It was made a year before Godzilla 1984 as well as a year before 2010 came out-and this film bears some striking plot devices to that one, as well as some of the set and miniature designs. The plus is perhaps some outstanding effects work by Koichi Kawakita, for the time; some mesmerizing cloud chamber work, and nice miniature ships,planet scapes and matte and optical work. I'd say it well matches anything by Gerry Anderson(think Space:1999) from the late 60's or early 70's. The story is another matter-a black hole is on collision course with earth-however it can be altered if Jupiter is blown up to become a sun. The "Jupiter Solarization Project" is being undertaken to create a new sun and thus, colonize the moons of Jupiter. However some space hippies of the "Jupiter Church" don't want this to happen. They hang around-when not casually attempting to sabotage the project in orbit around Jupiter-on a beach on earth with this head guru guy who pulls out a guitar and stops the film, and does a musical number! I kid you not. This happens about four times. Accompanied by a montage of images of animals, beaches, dolphins,etc. There is also perhaps one of the biggest rip-off scenes from Jaws ever done, so blatantly. Characters zip back and forth from earth to Jupiter with the edit of a scene. There is also a "space sex" scene which they use "Love Gas" to achieve. It's corny, cheesy but can see nary a string or harness on their buck naked bodies! How'd they do that? It goes on forever but you can't take your eyes off it, not knowing how "hot" this will get. The hippies turn out to be terrorists and somehow we are supposed to empathize with their desire to kill everyone for no reason whatsoever. There are some grand set pieces, devices, and a "large" epic look to things. But it never really comes together. They steal everything you can think of from the aforementioned Jaws,Star Wars, The Black Hole and, another blatant effects rip off shot from 2001:A Space Odyssey. The songs are amazing-they don't miss a beat to get one into all four acts of the film and, the end titles, complete with strange lyrics like "We burn out like a comet's nest" and "I will transfer all your pain to me". The English speaking actors are atrocious for the most part, just completely ruining whatever grand set they are placed in. There is also a scene where a guy is speaking German to a Gaijin guy who speaks Japanese back at him. Huh? There's a Godzilla in-joke that's quite funny, and works, as clips from Ghidorah(1965) manage to make it into the film as one guy seems to be a Kaiju fan. The film was never released here in the states legally, until now. It's been a rarity for American Tokusatsu fans to try and find. And, to me, a letdown.
This is one of the worst Japanese big budget films I've run across. The plot has something to do with a project concerning Jupiter going horribly wrong and... you really don't want to know. Trust me as bad as you think some of the Godzilla movies and films like The Green Slime are, this is worse, but not in a good way.This is just stupid, the hippies being the last straw on a short list of reasons to watch, none of which are good. I have no idea why anyone would like this on anything but a technical level since the plot, which I've finally been able to erase from my mind only thanks to years of very expensive therapy. All I remember is that the film seemed to want to be a flower power film but was made by people who didn't know what that was and were 15 years too late.(these people couldn't plot a film even if they were handed it)This film was suggested to me by a friend who loves it, "saying you'll either love it or you won't, but I think you will". He was wrong.
Trust me, there are better ways to spend two and a half hours, many much more pleasant
I watched it once about 8 years ago or more, i am a sci-fi fan thats why i rented it. To this day i havent seen a worst movie. Ridiculous plot, lousy acting, crappy Ed Wood-style special (d)effects. Steer clear away from this.