
5.8| 1h41m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 25 April 2013 Released
Producted By: Meddin Studios
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Savannah is the true story of Ward Allen, a romantic and bombastic character who rejects his plantation heritage for the freedom of life on a river. Ward navigates the change of early 20th century America on the wrong side of the law and society, his long-time friend, a freed slave named Christmas Moultrie, at his side. Master of Shakespeare, and the shotgun that provides Savannah's markets with fowl, Ward fights for his rights as a hunter. His charisma and eloquent rhetoric win the heart of a society woman who defies her father to marry him. An elderly Moultrie tells the story of life on the river with his friend to a little boy, who passes the legendary Ward Allen down to the next generation.

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SimonJack "Savannah" is an entertaining film of fiction that is based partly on a book about a somewhat legendary character from the turn of the 20th century in Savannah, GA, and his lifelong friendship with a freed Black slave. Other reviewers have noted the problems with the shaky plot and script. But this film is very entertaining and a fun watch fit for the whole family. Two things that stand out in this film are worthy of praise. First is the scenery and cinematography along the marshes and backwaters of the Savannah River. Second is the acting. The entire cast gave top performances; but like other reviewers, I especially enjoyed Jim Caviezel's portrayal of the lead character, Ward Allen. If the real educated and sophisticated yet down-home Ward Allen was half as vibrant, witty and disarming as the character played by Caviezel, he was a most colorful character indeed.
Sjhm I wanted to LOVE this film. Stunning locations, a fascinating portrait of a way of life that has now passed, the relationship between two men which at the time should have been impossible, wealthy blue-blood Ward Allen and his friend and river guide, Christmas Moultrie.The central story, of Ward and Christmas, is a thing of beauty. Somewhere inside Jim Caviezel, whose career to date has been filled with almost eerily beautiful dramatic performances, there beats the soul of a true comedian. In Ward Allen, a larger than life and somewhat intemperate man with a consuming passion for the outdoor life, Caviezel gets the chance to let out the goofier side of his personality. He plays Ward with a verve and real comedic timing, but with a sensitivity and subtlety which makes this somewhat bombastic character truly sympathetic. Chiwetel Ejifor is superb as Christmas, the man can convey a range of emotions in just one look. Their relationship is subtle, and perfect.The flaw lies in that the script itself doesn't seem to have a real time frame or any particularly coherent idea of exactly what it is trying to say. Time expands and contracts, and a sense of unreality sets in. There are also a couple of times when the camera loses focus, clearly unintentionally. It's only for a couple of seconds, but it does have the annoying effect of pulling you out of the story.If you focus on the performances and the glorious scenery, this is a truly wonderful film, and a unique insight into a way of life long past. The cast are sublime, and this is very well worth seeing.
fdo-316-23697 Savannah does attempt to tell the story of the friendship of two men, one returning from overseas to choose a life close to nature and his friend from childhood a freed slave and how a changing climate, culture, and society can make certain types of people and professions obsolete through no fault of their own.It has an impressive cast with Jim Caviezel as Ward Allen and Chiwetel Ejiofor as Christmas Moultrie, together with Sam Shepard, Hal Holbrook and Jack McBrayer playing less important roles. In the center of all action is the duo of Ward Allen and Christmas Moultrie played by Jim Caviezel and Chiwetel Ejiofor. This important friendship should had have more room, more dialog. The relationship of Ward Allen with Lucy Stubbs played by Jaimie Alexander is more of a fictional drop-in and distracted from the rest of the storyline which could have disclosed more of Ward's intellectual background, the relationship with his father and his overseas upbringing.Overall, great scenery, fantastic camera work and for those who know the book a very well written family friendly script in the European style of storytelling. Not Hollywood cinema, nothing flashy or fast paced. Enjoy the LowCountry landscape and a great sound track.
mariasquare Let me tell you one thing. Watching this movie will not be a waste of your time. This movie explores the friendship between a white man and a black man. It's a beautifully made movie with gorgeous settings, humorous lines(at times), splendid acting and overall a great theme. Although I do feel that the relationship between Ward and Lucy gets in the way of the friendship between Ward and Christmas. I think they should've focused on that friendship from A to Z because it feels as though the movie is too crowded. Not much development or exploration between Ward and Christmas. The relationship between Ward and Lucy on the other hand, I find it very cliché. The good girl falls for the bad guy. They get married, she becomes pregnant and something dramatic happens along the way. But overall, i enjoyed watching this movie. I'm sure you won't regret watching it. You won't be complaining and cursing about wasting your 1.5 hours.