Sarah Brightman: The Harem World Tour - Live From Las Vegas

8.3| 1h50m| en| More Info
Released: 19 October 2004 Released
Producted By: Serpent Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Renowned vocalist Sarah Brightman performs more than 20 songs before a packed house at Las Vegas' MGM Grand Arena in this concert film from Angel Records. The set list includes such tunes as "Who Wants to Live Forever," "Stranger in Paradise," "What a Wonderful World," "A Whiter Shade of Pale," and "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again."

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ccthemovieman-1 Being Sarah Brightman's "Harem"Tour," this concert has a big Middle Eastern flavor. Actually, I was disappointed in the visuals and production after reading great review of this (elsewhere). Being that it was staged at the huge MGM Grand Hotel, I expected more colors and bigger stage production in this concert. Instead, it was just a half-dozen dancers in the background and pretty much the same type of concert one would have seen other tours, such as her "La Luna Tour." In fact, I found there was no use owning both this and the "La Luna" DVD, so I traded this one in and kept the latter.There's nothing wrong with her voice in this concert, however. The songs in the "Harem Tour" come in three segments: pop, opera and then back to pop again with an emphasis on "Phantom of the Opera" favorites.This is still better than owning a CD of Brightman's because you get more more music and a betters sound for your money, but if you're looking for something to admire visually while listening to the music, this won't satisfy you. For big fans of Sarah, however, there are lots of extras on this DVD.
bobilene Having seen this performance live in Atlantic City, I was anticipating a very good DVD. Having recently watched it again Its absolutely fantastic the way the producers packaged this performance. Sarah is at her best. The closeups, the expanded scenes, etc. are brilliant. Just watching Sarah strut down the ramp prior to her singing "What a Wonderful World" high up on a swing is worth the price of the video. This wonderful performance should be shown to anyone who has not seen or heard Sarah Brightmans beautiful voice. Only she can reach the heights of operatic magic and come off brilliantly with her version of "Dust in the Wind". Other reviewers might have watched the wrong DVD. The only appearance of Phathom music was a brief lead in to "wishing you were here again". Her mixture of soprano and pop was just perfect. This DVD is one that can be watched over and over. Recommended very highly.
getinhighonlife This is by far, the BEST Sarah Brightman DVD that I own! The whole concert was beautifully done. The Middle Eastern theme was beautifully created with dancers, special effects, a beautiful stage, and the mesmerizing voice of Sarah Brightman. The concert includes many songs off the Harem album as well as many of Sarah's best pieces. My ultimate favorite performance of the concert is the mind-blowing "A Question of Honour". The DVD also has a bonus disc with an interviews, a quiz, photos set to unheard tracks, and much more. This is the ultimate DVD to use when you want to introduce someone to Sarah's music. They will be shocked at what they were missing out on! 10 STARS!