Santa and Pete

6.2| 1h38m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 05 December 1999 Released
Producted By: Carlton America
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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This warmhearted Yuletide tale tells the story of Grandpa Nichols (James Earl Jones) who is spending his first Christmas alone as a widower. His grandson Pete (Flex Alexander from SHE'S ALL THAT) is riveted by his grandfather's story of St. Nick, and Pete decides that it is his desire to do all he can to help out old St. Nick in any way he can. A delight for the whole family.

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lord-of-the-lez Like Cheetos, this movie is dangerously cheesy. But since it's a Christmas movie, I think it can get by with it. It offers a pretty unique take on Santa Claus and I love that the Dutch folk character of Black Pete (or Zwarte Piet) has been turned into an actual helper for Santa rather than his evil opposite that delights in torturing bad children. It's also nice that the racist implications for the Black Pete character have been stripped away by making him a positive black character instead. Also, James Earl Jones is in this movie and I say that's a good reason on its own to see it. All in all, it's a fun, wholesome family movie and even adults without children can get into the story and characters. An underappreciated Christmas flick.
Christmas-Reviewer BEWARE OF FALSE REVIEWS & REVIEWERS. SOME REVIEWERS HAVE ONLY ONE REVIEW TO THEIR NAME. NOW WHEN ITS A POSITIVE REVIEW THAT TELLS ME THEY WERE INVOLVED WITH THE MOVIE. IF ITS A NEGATIVE REVIEW THEN THEY MIGHT HAVE A GRUDGE AGAINST THE FILM . I HAVE REVIEWED OVER 200 HOLIDAY FILMS. I HAVE NO AGENDA.Grandpa Nicholas is seen decorating a Christmas tree before the arrival of his daughter Cassie with her husband James and son Terence. While decorating the tree together Terence finds an ornament of Santa and a second ornament Grandpa Nicholas says is Pete. Realizing Terence does not know who Pete is Grandpa Nicholas starts telling him the story of Santa and Pete.When I saw the jacket of this movie it showed "Santa" with a dog. There was never a dog in the movie. I wish that people that designed the DVD cover would of been more honest. If they have I would have seen this film years ago.The story is basically how Santa came to be and why he has a red suit. It is a great film that that I wish I saw years ago. This film is available in DVD sets that have more than one film. It sells for about $9.00. If you see it for sale get. Watch it and share it.
imarainbow Oh yes! What a wonderful Christmas story. I, too, just "happened" across it when flipping channels a few years back and was mesmerized. It IS indeed a lovely story and I have watched for it every year on television, in video stores and told others (who have no idea what I am talking about). I would most definitely purchase it if it was available knowing it would be watched each year. I am perplexed as to why it has had no more play and was not advertised. It is clearly a loss when one sees the "drivel" put out each year that are called Christmas stories which are really just an excuse for a Harlequin romance. Albeit there are Christmas decorations and the characters wear red and green. Anyway, Santa and Pete..see it if you can!
DNaeNae05 I happened to turn the channel to find this movie just starting. Each scene held me in rapture. It was honestly the best Christmas movie I've seen. It can only compare to "It's a Wonderful Life", with Jimmy Stewart. I have talked about this film for the last three years to all my friends and family. No one believes it even exists. I have looked for this film every Christmas afterwards and it's never on TV or available for sale anywhere. I love the story and all the characters. It has a beautiful old world charm and teaches a great story of how Christmas came to be. Please let me know how to find this movie on DVD!!!!!