San Andreas Quake

2015 "The world, split in two."
2.2| 1h30m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 19 May 2015 Released
Producted By: The Asylum
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When a discredited L.A. Seismologist warns of an impending 12.7 earthquake, no one takes her seriously. Now on her own, she races desperately to get her family to safety before the earthquake breaks Los Angeles apart from the mainland.

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pepspotbib Bad Bad Bad pretty much sums up this film. Bad script, bad acting, bad dialogue, bad (NO!) special effects. (Special effects basically consist of what looks like stock footage from the 1970s and a few shots of half-destroyed buildings) It's suppose to be a disaster movie, and boy is it, but not in the way it was intended! How did this get funded? The lead actress looks surprisingly like Mariska Hargitay, but clearly isn't destined for stardom. Says her lines like it's the 1st week of rehearsal. You won't care if any of these people live or die. There is zero sense of urgency for a town and cast about to suffer a level "12" Earthquake! (Seriously? Anyone who paid the least attention in school knows the Richter Scale only goes to ten! Guess they couldn't afford a science consultant..) We kept watching it just to make fun of it! "Oh dear, we must get downtown to rescue so-and-so! But let's not drive down these empty roads over the speed limit!" Clichés abound, from the "wrong side of the tracks" black person to the "rebellious stepdaughter" to the idiotic situations. "Oh dear, we can't possibly evade these two guards by ducking around some cars, let's use these conveniently placed unlocked TUNNELS while the earth is shaking!" I like a good mindless disaster movie, but there's nothing "good" about this flick!
kgc1956 I have one suggestion to the director for any future films. Make sure you hire a continuity director.I mean, after a 5.4 quake in Hollywood, the prescription bottles on the night stand a few scenes later should be on the floor, not neatly arranged. Many other things are wrong with this film.I kept watching just to find all the mistakes.. Kind of fun to watch, but expect a lot of errors. This movie has good stuff and bad stuff. And some ridiculous characters trying to be the "comic relief". Not working.
Jan Van Nedervelde This one is really bad. Didn't know they could make such bad movies. Everything was bad, from the special effects to the acting. The point of quitting watching this movie was the scene with the hippo's for me. Never saw that bad special effects. The producers of this movie should be a shame... I would ask my money back if i saw this in the theaters! I had expectations that were a little bit higher, but i didn't expect that it was going to be so bad. I am glad i watched this alone. John Baumgartner, you may retire if it depends on me! I especially made an account on IMDb to write this! :)And the IMDb score for 1.9/10 is still to high!
cindycampos-81713 Oh lord, where do I begin? Not only did I read the reviews about how awful this movie was but I actually took the time to watch it just to see how terrible it was. And MY GOSH did I regret it. No plot. Terrible acting, which made it seem non-realistic at all. Family drama and typical hating-on-boyfriend type of drama as well. No signal around L.A. but obviously since the "professor" is the hero, well she's the only one that's got some! That hippo scene was ridiculous and funny at the same time. I could go on all night but there's no other way to point out how stupid this movie was and I have nothing left to say about it but take it from me. Don't go off about reading reviews and still watch it. It's not worth it. It seemed more like a family drama conflict plot then San Andreas Quake plot. If you want a comedy then go ahead and watch this and laugh it off all you want but other than that...Lameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.