Sam the Man

Sam the Man
4.7| 1h27m| en| More Info
Released: 01 February 2001 Released
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Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A writer having difficulty completing his second novel goes on a journey of self-discovery.

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cableaddict I just saw this remarkable, quirky little film on the IFC.I can understand how many gave it only one star. some people need lots of crude humor, or car crashes and buildings blowing up. What can you do?This film is VERY understated. However, it's not boring. None of that Merchant Ivory, "molasses in winter" kind of pacing. If you give it a chance, it sucks you in and takes you on a wonderful little ride inside the protagonist's head.Most indie film make me run for cover, but this is an exception, and an exceptional film, IMO.I can't recommend it highly enough.
RBNY I viewed this film at the Hamptons Film Festival. I found it to be enjoyable and quite interesting. The ending is not predictable and is quite thought provoking.It is the tale of a writer who seems to have a block in completing his second novel and in the mean time goes through a journey of self awareness.I found Fisher Stevens, Sam Manning, to have finally found a character thought allowed him to stretch his skills. He is definitely an underused actor.