Sailor Moon S the Movie: Hearts in Ice

1994 "Sailor Moon vs Snow Queen! The Legendary Sailor Scouts' Power Appears!"
Sailor Moon S the Movie: Hearts in Ice
7.6| 1h0m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 04 December 1994 Released
Producted By: Toei Animation
Country: Japan
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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As Usagi and her friends enjoy Christmas vacation, an unusual and fierce snowstorm hits town... The evil Snow Queen Kaguya has returned to claim Earth as her own. Crucial to Queen Kaguya's plan is a magical crystal from outer space, approaching Earth disguised as a comet. Once she gets hold of the crystal, she will have the power to suck away all life energy and cover the Earth in ice. Will Sailor Moon find the crystal before Queen Kaguya? Will her powers be enough to save the Earth from permanent winter? All hope lies with the Legendary Ultimate Scout Power!

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Eric Stevenson I guess I liked this movie if only because I was finally introduced to one of the most popular anime of all time and one that revolutionized anime as a whole. This was a great start for me and even though it wasn't great, it was certainly good. I think my biggest problem is that there's this one scene where it shows a bunch of people being frozen and after being thawed they just walk around as if nothing happened! Later, people are saying they don't believe in supernatural stuff. What?! As I'm not a fan, it was cool to be introduced to these new elements so forgive me if I can some stuff from the show wrong.I really do love the subplot with Luna. Luna's a cat who falls in love with a human but eventually she realizes he's better off with another woman. I admit that it does get clichéd with them talking about the power of friendship and stuff, but it's still fun. I probably find the most enjoyable parts to be when it shows the characters just partaking in a slice of life story. It's great that even a supernatural show tries hard to be real. It will take me awhile to get used to everyone's names. I think Luna has the best voice ever! I'm having mixed emotions about not giving this a 9, but it's certainly a nice introduction to a beloved anime. ***
KatherinePetersdorf I loved this movie, both in English and Japanese. I have some positive and negative feed back thought.Positive Feed Back: the story was heart warming, despite that it is a movie about ice and snow. I really felt Luna's pain and I wanted her to find love, but not with who she was crushing on. I also adored Usagi (Serena)'s speech at the huge fight scene. Sailor Moon always has great empowering speeches about life and love. Sometimes, when I want to cry happy tears or write a great scenes for one of my novels, I watch just that segment. Negative Feed Back: Luna's choice in relationship was disturbing to me. Even though I wanted Luna to fall in love and I felt for her, I still didn't like her crush. I felt it was wrong considering that she is a cat and not a human, and her crush was a human. She even kisses him. Very, very wrong.
hellraiser7 The trouble with most movies derived from a TV show are they don't always stand on their own, most of the time it just feels like their branching off from their source. This film I really love because it did what I felt "Sailor Moon R the movie" didn't really do which was stand as it's own movie.Based off of a mini arc from the comic series, what really makes this film and story unique is the fact that it's not about Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon and the rest are practically second string characters. Even it's plot and the action going on really by it's nature is just a sugar coated topping. It was really focused on one unlikely character Luna. The Luna character was always just a mentor or narrative device in the series, in this story we actually get to see her become a real character.I even like the other characters two that aren't regular characters of the series. Kakura and Himako both of them are not cliché generic characters which is a fundamental problem most TV shows have, but they do feel like just that people. Himako despite not seeing her much in the movie we can see is beautiful (she could almost be Setsuna/Sailor Pluto's sister), has a sweet persona, is a person of science that believe in the facts and does have aspirations mainly of being with Kakura forever. Kakura is an astronomer whom believes and is fascinated with things that science hasn't touched upon he also has aspirations as well. I do like some of the interaction between the two you do get a sense of history along with certain things he says about her but their relationship is not on stable ground which I'll get to latter. Artimis is good despite also being in the film for very little time but you do feel for him as we see he has feeling for Luna that are beyond friendship.You really feels a strong sense of pathos for Luna because her feelings for the man Kakara are very human. Even though he talks to her about certain things that she shares the same interest unfortunately she is unable to talk back to him even though she want to, nor really have a physical presence to him as a regular human would because after all she is a cat. Like with the angels from "Wings of Desire" they can observe mortals, but can never touch or be seen.There is a parallel going on with all four of them. Kakara and Himako it's both a physical and personal distance, both of them have been apart for a long while so it's understandable why Kakara would be a little embittered but just simply in what ideologies they believe in. For Luna it's obvious she want a way to be with Kakara physically. Artimis it's to simply come out with how he feels about Luna and be more than friends.There's is a bit of a universal sensibility from one standpoint those who have a relationship with someone from a certain business that requires a lot of time or travel, or someone in the military that has to go on a tour of duty, on another standpoint it's the common dilemma of having feelings for another person but not finding the guts to express them. The common theme in all this is all about distance, how truly hard it is to be close when miles or even mere steps away. This is something I can relate to because there was a girl I had feelings for but didn't have the guts to tell her.This makes the romance all the more enduring, you not just want the right people to get together but you want them to somehow close the distance and the only way to do that is to reach out to each other, by it's nature it's really easy it only looks hard the only thing blocking them is them. And the ending really gave me a good feeling at the end which is something I don't get enough.No one is alone forever once you close the distance.Rating: 3 and a half stars
Fubuki The second Sailormoon movie takes place a Christmas time, and revolves around Luna.This movie is overall good. Why?You get to see the Outer Senshi(minus-Saturn). They don't have that good of a part in the movie, but do have their kick-butt moments.Princess Snow Kaguya is cool, and the plot revoloving around her is interesting.The animation in this movie was superb.Basically, my interest was kept the entire time. The manga version of the movie is much better, but this is still my favorite Sailormoon movie.