Romy and Michele's High School Reunion

1997 "The blonde leading the blonde."
6.3| 1h32m| R| en| More Info
Released: 25 April 1997 Released
Producted By: Bungalow 78 Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Two not-too-bright party girls reinvent themselves for their high school reunion. Armed with a borrowed Jaguar, new clothes and the story of their success as the inventors of Post-It notes, Romy and Michele descend on their alma mater, but their façade crumbles quickly.

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OneEightNine Media This is basically the female version of Dumb and Dumber. And it starts off with a blast but cools down near the middle and has sparks gems towards the end but nothing meant for huge laughs. Woah, I almost forgot; Romy is hot and wears whatever she wears well. The actress playing Romy, Mira Sorvino was one of the actresses scre#ed over by the piece of sh#t Harvey Weinstein. So yeah, that is why we hardly see Mira Sorvino in anything. Harvey Weinstein and people like him, male AND female people like him are the reason why this world is slowly becoming an in living color heck on earth. Anyway, good flick.
salesmanager Catchy lines.. such as "whatever i achieve , there's still something missing... answer.. your own country???" "Sometimes i wish i was a lesbian and the idea of having sex with another girl creeps me out.. but we are still single at 30...ask me again....The surprise dance routine .. with seemingly confident faces .. dancing to the tune of Time after Time in Ballet steps... Just freak me out of this world so hilariously executed... i just die laughing...A Fun Fun movie with catchy lines and retro music to add up to the whole movie , Lisa and Mira are perfect blonde's with convincing half-wit.. but manageable and still admirable with their acting .. This is one unforgettable movie and a stand out as far as funny movie entertainment is concern.. i'd give an A...
thesar-2 In a movie where no one and I mean no one is very nice, is it hard to attach onto someone to root for? Why, yes! And it's even enjoyable to finally get to see them shop!I used to describe this movie as the "female Dumb & Dumber," and in reality, Romy and Michele's High School Reunion is, in fact, just that. But, let me assure you: it's 10x funnier and has more originality than the Jim Carrey movie will ever have.I just rewatched this movie for the, I dunno, fifteenth time and even though it's been about a decade since I last saw it, I found myself laughing out loud so many times, I couldn't count. So many memories, so many great characters, so many rude behaviors that would normally make me squeamish, made me burst out this time. Again, I understand hardly anyone is a "good person" in this, but their so-outrageous behavior made this slapstick comedy all the more enjoyable.Further, so many scenes and lines brought back such great recollections that I marveled in the comedic genius behind the screenplay. One that stood out, that made me stood up to watch, was the (Mild-spoiler, sorry) Romy-Tell-Off scene towards the end. I could watch that few-second scene dozens of times and never tire of it.(One more major spoiler, and if you haven't yet seen this, please skip to the next paragraph…) When I first saw this in theatres, I thought this movie was "just okay" and when it came to a scene that one character dreams of what the reunion is going to be like, I rolled my eyes. "Here we go again," I thought, for in many sitcoms, much like The Brady Bunch or movies, one character will dream of events they've never partaken in, but are worried about, and lo, following the dream, the next day, normally, they encounter the exact same scene/set up, even though it was physically impossible for them to predict/dream of what was to come when they've never encountered it. Here, Michele dreams of their pending High School Reunion, but, upon waking, the actual reunion is far different from what she imagined. Now, that's real life. That's exactly what would really happen. It was that moment that I admired and LOVED this film.Romy & Michele reminisce on their high school days of Tucson, Arizona's past once told about their upcoming high school reunion. But tensions rise between the non-gay BFF ditzy blondes of (now) L.A.'s beaches when the truth of who's (a VERY tad bit) smarter than the other right before they get to the reunion. Will they make up? Will the endless and set-up in advance old high school students finally realize who they were meant to be with or avoid?It is a comedy after all.With one of the best soundtracks, after all. And cleverest lines, and deep acting for a slapstick comedy. And fairly good cinematography and overall originality. It's also one of the absolutely funniest movies that still holds up today, for the most part – Flip phones, anyone? – of all time.Revisiting this movie, I now realized it's been far too long between viewings. This movie is amazing. I know I've seen this many times, but I found myself laughing, sometimes for joy, more times that I could count.I say: See it! And she says: Me, too!
TheLittleSongbird Romy and Michele's High School Reunion mayn't be the best movie I have ever seen, but sitting down to watch it I wasn't expecting that. Just a fun charming movie and that is exactly what I got, a perfect way to get my mind off my sprained ankle. Romy and Michele's High School Reunion is not a complete masterpiece, the film does have an engaging story but is occasionally too plot heavy, and I would also have loved to seen the girls be themselves more. Criticisms aside, it looks good, with colourful locations and fashions, and the soundtrack is the very definition of cool, not to mention nostalgic. The script is funny and smart, the two main characters especially engage and the direction is efficient. I loved the performances. Mira Sorvino and Lisa Kudrow are just great and have such an easy-going chemistry. Of the support cast, I was most impressed with Camryn Manheim who steals all her scenes. Alan Cumming is also endearing with great comic timing, and Janeanne Garofalo relishes her role if over-doing it just a tad at times. Overall, a nice, fun movie that never tries to be anything more than it is. 8/10 Bethany Cox