RiffTrax: The Most Dangerous Game

RiffTrax: The Most Dangerous Game
5.5| 1h3m| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 0001 Released
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Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The Most Dangerous Game encounters problems right out of the gate when it turns out to NOT be about playing Twister nude with an angry badger. In its defense, it appears to have been filmed during the Monroe administration, so Twister, and quite possibly badgers, had not been invented. After a heavy storm and some even heavier foreshadowing, a shipwreck victim finds himself on a mysterious island. He’s soon at the mercy of an evil count. You can tell he’s evil because he has one of those sinister pointy goatees. Oh, and he also hunts human beings for sport. Please join Mike, Kevin, and Bridget for The Most Dangerous Game

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