
5.4| 1h22m| en| More Info
Released: 18 July 2017 Released
Producted By: Motorcycle Boy Productions
Country: Canada
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A private investigator reads a book of sinister origins and unknowingly puts his daughter and himself in a fight for their lives...and their eternal souls.

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Motorcycle Boy Productions

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LouAbbott "Residue" is a good story idea gone awry. It has its moments, but not enough of them. For a film that is only 82 minutes long, it had many filler scenes. My fast-forward got its workout for the day. The film would make a good half-hour "Twilight Zone" episode. There's a bit of comedy in it too. The ending is very confusing and unfulfilling. The highlight of the movie is seeing Matt Frewer ("Max Headroom"), William B. Davis (the "cigarette smoking man" of "The X-Files"), and Costas Mandylor ("Picket Fences").
sbob322 I enjoyed this movie thoroughly. It sets its hook early (pun intended) and kept me on the edge of my seat the entire way through. The effects were good and the storytelling well handled. It may help to be a fan of HP Lovecraft and his story's of unknown forces and overwhelming dread though.
genemcpherson having just finished this movie i was left confused since the ending didn't really seem to explain much of anything the acting was meh at best but u could tell they were at least trying the special effects are really what make it worth seeing if your not in for just that i would recommend not bothering with watching the film, the premise of the movie was promising but the delivery was poor the movie felt really slow and kinda boring i found it to be a drag to get threw the hole film and the ending was as predictable as can be(if u want the film u will understand) the tl/dr for it go's as good effects, good idea, poor acting, heavy reliance on clichés, and just boring to watch 3/10 would not watch again
MoviesRT I can't believe how bad this is. And I thought I had seen all the super bad movies in the horror realm. I saw two reviews that raved about it, but failed to note that both had never reviewed a film before. Must have been friends of the director because this is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.It was done like an old Film Noir, with the detective's narration, but it just didn't work. I don't usually bother to review something unless I think I should save someone else the 82 minutes I wasted.First off, it's not even slightly scary. Secondly, no one in this can act. It does have one known actor though. Some might recognize the cigarette smoking man from the X-files series. His role was not really defined very well. And somehow he sewed it all together in the end.None of the script really made any sense at all. The writer needs to learn basic dialogue and character development. No one had any appeal. I was hoping whatever the evil was would finish them off, but never did figure out what the evil thing was. Some kind of slimy insect with a claw? The miracle was that I stayed through to the end to see if it got better, but it never did.I know how it got published though. It had the politically correct lesbian daughter and nosy mixed race old couple next door. I guess that's all it takes to make a movie these days. Sadly, a good script and plot are not necessary in this day and age.