Remember I'll Always Love You

Remember I'll Always Love You
5.3| 1h30m| en| More Info
Released: 17 June 2011 Released
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Country: Germany
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A woman discovers with astonishment that her husband has committed suicide. Sumida in great pain decides to investigate the reasons that drove her husband to make a decision as tragic. But the symptoms of incipient disease begin to limit their target.

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peche_superstar86 Precious... (L) Im in love with this movie (L) It's a movie shocking it all masterfully mixed: the mystery, drama, thriller and more eternal romance come together in a so super natural and unobtrusive. Tender, dramatic, beautiful ... It has absolutely everything. A surprise was waiting for years. The players do really well, until the end you cannot imagine where it goes conclusion. The truth is that I hallucinated up also with the soundtrack, these gloomy piano notes I have goose bumps in the final scene ... Mother love, romantic love and love to our poor friend protagonist push for an end to those who make history. A movie from the beginning until you are worried and do not let the sixty minutes to feel uneasy.