Again one of those many reenactment clubs trying to make a movie.
They have the correct historical material, vehicles and uniforms but nobody with acting, screenwriting and director cappabilities. Also a lack of historical research. SS officers with a beard? Officers with a blanck neck patch without signs. Leibstandarte division together with Das Reich in Normandy at the moment of the landing? Landing of the allies without previous artillery firing of the beaches?? Worst of all are the sound effects they used which is a war sound track coming from a soundeffect LP disc. All those things make it a shame of what they could achieve if they used they resources better with a good director managing this. Maybe good to show in a museum but that's it. Lucky to see it free of charge on youtube otherwise it was a waste of money on DVD or BD.
I have to say I do not feel the rough critique of this film justified. Sure it is an Indie film and not of a million dollar budget. but they put a lot of effort into it, a lot of historic facts and nice war scenes, The tanks and guns were real not a lot of fake CGI and they made a serious effort here. Seriously give them some credit for all the tanks planes and guns they put together. I truly enjoyed it and watched it several times, there are some really good points to it, and the acting was solid on all parts. And as film fans we should acknowledge those of smaller budgets not just run them over because they did not have a studio budget.
Glenn Sporle
I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I watched this, I laughed quite a bit. Shiny Tanks that have just come out of the museum, laughable beach landings, the wooden acting was so bad I have seen better at my sons Primary school and the accents were so poor they were that bad even the American ones sounded awful, lol. I think I heard one attempt at a German accent in the whole film.Strangely though there is a good enough story/plot to it but you cannot take anything seriously. The German Nurses uniforms were just so wrong and Klaudia looks like a porn star, too much lipstick and botox.I got this film as I thought it would be refreshing to see a war film from the German point of view to a certain extent but oh dear. I can't decide if this is the worst war film I have seen, this and pearl Harbour I think.
I have unfortunately squandered 1h40 of my life which I shall never get back. This is by far the worst film I have ever seen.The general plot was made worse by the historical inaccuracies that, despite being a low budget film, should have been addressed. Even in the first few minutes on the Eastern Front seeing an immaculately clean grey Tiger tank next to a APC in the mid 1944 dark yellow cameo scheme made me cough up my drink. Such basic detail. The accents were pathetic and in line with those of Enemy at the Gates when Bob Hoskins introduces himself as Khrushchev in the most Cockney accent possible. And two landing craft on D-Day? If you've got a cheap budget, don't be over-ambitious like in this film where we can't help but be drawn to the constant mistakes plus the poor acting.What a useless film!!!