101 things I learned from Red Eye (2005) - Cynthia does not really like to move provisions from one room to the next. If you want someone dead, make sure to contemplate the most incredibly difficult blueprint on your next journey around the world in 80 days insofar as to make sure to fill it up with the lamest plot devices ever. Bombs live underwater. 11 year old girls riding alone in planes make exceedingly good detectives. Rachel is the most baddass loner loser ever! Windshields stop bullets at a very close range. Cars vs guns , cars win every single time! If you are a baddass hit-man or whatever, cute milf scarfs go well with pen holes in the throat. Cillian Murphy, although an incredibly gifted thespian, suffers from stumbling a lot. In Terminator Arnold the robot takes leave to repair his broken robot parts, however Cillian can lumber about bearing moribund wounds whilst trying to seek petty revenge in a suburban home with the cops on the way. Cynthia had a good night save for the incredibly bad movie she just happened to accidentally be in.
Bad. Do not watch.Pathetic acting, pathetic and predictable plot. Terrible ending.
Edward Rodden
I spent a lot of time laughing at this film, which was supposed to be scary.
In a world of increasingly bloated Hollywood epics it's kind of nice to see a film that has an economical run time (a mere 85 minutes) and a tight story.The late Wes Craven is best known for straightforward horror films, this is a thriller, though it does get into more traditional Craven territory towards the end. The film taps into a number of common fears about flying and loss of control. It's well made, maintains the tension throughout, but still has room for a joke or two.Rachel McAdams is engaging as the likable Lisa caught in a nightmare, and Cillian Murphy is effective as the soft spoken, cold eyed terrorist.Definitely worth checking out.