Raiders of the Living Dead

1986 "They are evil. They are dead. They are ravenous..."
Raiders of the Living Dead
2.6| 1h26m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 09 March 1986 Released
Producted By: Independent International Pictures (I-I)
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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In an abandoned prison, a doctor has revived executed convicts as the living dead. Teenager, Jonathan creates a laser gun from a videodisc player and pursues the walking dead, aided by his girlfriend and grandfather. Also tracking down the zombies is a tabloid reporter.

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Independent International Pictures (I-I)

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BA_Harrison Investigative reporter Morgan Randall (Robert Deveau) discovers that crazy Dr. Kapek (Leonard Corman) is bringing the dead back to life; when his friend Shelly (Donna Asali) is abducted by Kapek's reanimated corpses, Morgan launches a rescue attempt with the help of elderly physician Dr. Carstairs (Robert Allen), a useless armed guard, and an irritating kid (porn-star-to-be Scott Schwartz) who has constructed a pair of ray-guns from an old laser-disc player.I'm pretty tolerant when it comes to Z-grade movies, having seen more than my fair share of absolute stinkers over the years, but I still had to watch Raiders of the Living Dead over the course of several evenings thanks to its incredible ability to rapidly send me off to sleep. Atrocious acting, boring direction, disjointed editing, an over-reliance on The 3 Stooges, and particularly dreadful laser effects all go to make this a truly painful viewing experience that is only spared the absolute lowest rating from me thanks to one shotgun blast to a zombie head (it's not great but it's definitely the highlight of this tosh) and the film's hilariously bad '80s theme song.
john-killalea-1 Well what can i say?? an hour and a half...gone...out of my life!We got this "classic" off the internet with the high hopes of rolling around the floor in hysterics at, what i remembered from when i was a kid, the worst acting and story line ever. well i laughed....and almost cried too. basically the story starts with a car chase (riviting viewing i do declare) where a "terrorist" has taken hostages and will kill them if certain prisoners are not released. once the very well trained SWAT team takes charge of this misadventure from our terrorist friend, he escapes only to engage in a game of cat and mouse with the unarmed SWAT member. he gets electrocuted, oh dear! all this takes about 20 minutes or so and our lead bad guy/hostages/cops/civilians and SWAT teams have not exchanged dialog yet!!its been a 20 minute journey into the mime era and, holy Jesus, were they crap mimes!!Anyway, this is where our story links in with the living dead. the dead "terrorist" is in a morgue, only o be injected with something from a man whose face we do not see. and then he comes back to life.pretty straight forward, yes?? yes. not quite, you haven't reached the end yet! our fine heroes (a photographer and a reporter, i think) decide to go to an abandoned something or other and write a story (neither of which know why they are there by the way) only to come face to face with the most gruesome zombies i have ever seen. they get away and all is well except you never see the female reporter again! (she is not part of the story so don't worry). now to the finest young actor you can be sure Dekota Fanning took lessons from. he decides to try and turn a laser disk player into a LASER! yes, i said it, a LASER! and , hey presto, he does so and kills his hamster. all he had to do to achieve this was fiddle with fuses and explain some nonsense about intertwining the target which is the blah blah blah. so, back to our hero, he is walking along the road and almost gets run over but he was rescued by one of the many trusting, accommodating towns people he meets on his epic voyage. This ex-police officer takes him in, trusts him beyond a doubt and becomes involved with him (all in the space of about 8 hours). So he gets into trouble again with zombies, i think, and the kids grandfather takes our hero to stay with him. he tells all to the gullible towns doctor who is also the grandfather of the kid and the finest archer in the land. and now the spoilers.....they find out the doctor who, in a wild twit of events turns out to be the coroner for the prison back in the fifties which i definitely didn't see coming (considering there was no reference to him at all!!!). With the kids new found death ray they kill the living dead, the grandfather, whose choice of weapon was a bow and arrow, takes the doctor under civil arrest and they all live happily ever after. the end?? this film is the perfect choice for people who want to laugh at true stupidity and it certainly provides that but the fact that shoots, which would only be 2 seconds in any other film, takes at least a minute each time.i cant explain it too well but you will know what i mean when you see this gem. i am telling you now, try and find this film and have a laugh but be patient with the story lines, directing and production. its not quite Bad Boys 2 or even the play schools version of The Miracle Worker but its definitely one which should become a cult classic! i'm going to give it a whooping 5/10 for the laughter i experienced!!
zombi4life Well for starters it is a bad movie but it is fun.The score was great in the movie.Also the song that plays before the movie starts was so 80s and it was cool THE DEAD ARE AFTER ME YEA!Its a cheesy song alright I think also it was campy to, the Bad acting cool looking zombies. The zombies look like the dawn/day of the dead look going on there.There are a few fulci looking ones to you see them early in the film they are from another movie a better zombie movie Brett Piperer's DYING DAY!Well I say check it out if your in the mood for a campier not that bloody of a zombie film do see The DVD is great movie 6/10 DVD 8/10 thanks!
MooCowMo This cowflop is easily the worst, moost pathetic attempt of a film that I have ever seen - and MooCow has seen 'em all. The lowest of low-grade production ranks with Manos, the Hands of Fate, and Crater Lake Monster. For example, there is almost no dialogue during any "action" sequences; this is because they obviously could not afford to use mobile microphones, and what little dialogue there is when people are moving is dubbed in. The fx are laughable and idiotic; one SWAT team member (there are only two) is equiped with a plastic gun and an apron. Some of the cheesiest incidental moosic you'll ever hear is a constant, annoying presence. The acting is almost incidental, and probably could not be produced from this group even at gun point. The "zombies" are cheap and boring, and nothing interesting happens at all. This turkey grinds on and on and on and on. It's moovies like this that make Edward D. Wood Jr. look like the cinema genius he thought he was. I think a kindergarden production would have moore professional production, acting, and directing. MooCow says if you spend moolah on this turd I have a few acres of swampland in Moo Jersey to sell you... :=8P