Paco Cabezas' crime thriller "Rage" depicts the futility of violence. The irony at the heart of this gritty, unsavory yarn is that violence doomed the life of a young, 17-year old girl. Cage is cast as Paul Maguire, a gangster-turned-legit-businessman, in Mobile, Alabama. He has been walking the straight and narrow since he gave up his life of crime. Maguire's first wife died from breast cancer, and he has married a younger woman. Maguire dotes on his only daughter, Caitlin (Aubrey Peeples), and he surprised and saddened to learn that she has been kidnapped. Mobile Police Detective Peter St. John (Danny Glover of "Lethal Weapon") advises Maguire to stay out of the matter and let the police handle the investigation. Maguire listens to a similar lecture from his former mob boss, Francis O'Connell (Peter Stormare of "The Big Lebowski"), to steer clear of the investigation. Maguire's grieving wife, Vanessa (Rachel Nichols of "Charlie Wilson's War"), urges him to do whatever he must to get Caitlin back. Imagine Maguire's grief when he learns that Caitlin's body has been discovered in a drain by a jogger! The autopsy indicates that a Russian-made automatic pistol, a Tokarev, was used to snuff out Caitlin. Meanwhile, the only witnesses to Caitlin's kidnapping were two teenagers who were spending the evening with her at Maquire's residence. Once Maguire learns about the murder weapon, he believes that the Russian mob killed his daughter. Maguire and two of his old buddies arm themselves and go after the Russians with blood in their eyes. There is a last-minute surprise for both Maguire and the Russians that will stun audiences. Indeed, this surprise comes out of nowhere. "Rage" ties this surprise to the theme of the futility of violence. Nicolas Cage doesn't play a nice guy in this melodrama. At one point, he wields a knife on an adversary and uses it to pin the man's left hand to his back. Furthermore, our protagonist has no qualms about killing. The violence is bleak, sudden, and grueling. Nobody, least of all the protagonist, gets off easy in this splendidly lensed underworld epic. Clocking in at 98 minutes, "Rage" doesn't wear out its welcome, but audiences may not care for the ending.
This movie was an absolute waste of 2 hours of my life I'll never get back. Don't waste your time on it. Boring, drags on and on and on with very little story. Loser of a movie for Nicholas Cage. He is not aging well and needs to stay out of action movies. I use the term 'action movie' loosely in this description.Watch something better. Perhaps an old Bruce Willis movie or Conair.
let's beginthis movie deserves a -1, because: this moron started a war with the Russian mafia just because someone told him that the crime was executed with a Russian gun, whether the crime was committed with a Beretta, he rolled it to kill Italians? if it were a walther ppk, he killed British ?, then we see the embarrassing fact that the daughter is almost the same age as the wife, we see a policeman that says if you do not stop killing people, I'll have to arrest you,( it sounded something like : if you keep breaking your toys, you go to bed without dinner ). another wretchedly stupid moment is the moron playing with the bracer knuckle... if they wanted to see these guys as tough men , achieved the opposite effect. the fight sequences were as a choreography in the power rangers, but to be fair, this it not the worst Nick Cage movie, if you have seen The wicker man, you'll know what i'm talking about
I have always given Nick Cage a little rope in my appraisals because, despite his truly and consistently diabolical acting, he has commonly appeared in movies that I and/or my companions could take something positive away from. Con Air is oft quoted as a centrepiece in the ongoing "Nick Cage can't act" dialogue and, to be fair, his acting in said movie is shockingly terrible ... BUT the movie is entertaining and thanks John Malkovich et al.Rage, however, may be the straw that broke a certain camels back. This is a movie that is utterly horrible on every level and doesn't even have the decency to laugh at itself. Cage is scarily terrible from beginning to end and I only watched to the end because I couldn't believe that the movie would be so stupefyingly bad all the way through. Sadly,I was wrong.Zero stars.