Horst in Translation ([email protected])
"Quentin Tarantino's Star Wars" is a 4-minute animated short film by writer and director Evan Mather and thanks to the references on Star Wars and Oscar-winning filmmaker Quentin Tarantino, this is among his most known works, an early career effort, but not a very early. It came out in 2002, but looking at the date displayed in the actual movie, it is even a few years older and heading straight towards its 20th anniversary. And yes, in here you see what a Star Wars film by Tarantino may have looked like / may look like, which is a bit more relevant these days as it seem Q is about to direct the next Star Trek movie. Anyway, back to this one here: Of course it is all about the comedy and not really about what such a project would have looked like. You also have several references about Star Wars and past Tarantino films like Pulp Fiction for example. It does a look cheap yes and that explains the rating here on imdb, but sometimes it was also fairly entertaining thanks to the references and you could see Mather's dedication. All in all, I still give it a thumbs-down. I also don't think Star Wars fans (unlike myself) or Tarantino fans (like myself) really need to check this one out. It's nothing special really. Skip the watch.