
2014 "Hail Goddess"
8.1| 2h26m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 07 March 2014 Released
Producted By: Viacom18 Studios
Country: India
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Rani, a 24-year-old homely girl, decides to go on her honeymoon alone when her fiancé calls off the wedding. Traveling around Europe, she finds joy, makes friends, and gains new-found independence.

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saufiazis Just watched this movie today.. Did not know that the rating is that high.. OMG! But I like Amsterdam. Would love to go there one day..Anyway, the way this movie going shows how she find herself in her own way and what she really wanted in life. Starting from meeting a girl whose name is the same as her fiancé, survived an attempt of street thefts and travelling alone.Have to stay in a room with men and be friend with them is an amazing experience... No one should become somebody who could stop you from doing what you want to do! Freedom!
reena-140-928924 Very slow and predictable. I guess if you have nothing better to do, you could fast forward and finish the movie in say, an hour. A repetition of several American movies seen over the last 2-3 generations. The main actress seems like she's uncomfortable speaking both Hindi and English ! Very odd. I've heard she won some awards due to her tantrums. Also because she's hit her mid 30's but shaves off 6 years from her age for publicity and to do these younger roles. Whatever. An average performance, at best. Dull. Might actually be terribly relevant to Indians in India. But unnatural for folks whose families left India 3-4 generations ago, precisely so they don't have these ridiculous situations. The actress also considers herself some sort of women's rights beacon but that's hard to buy given her average performances, odd comments to the press and insecurities with the performances and success of other actors and actresses. Don't waste your time.
harjot-bajwa87 This is movie which every Indian girl from town,village or city should watch and will watch it again and again to remind, if you want to be happy,,just be happy you don't need anyone to make you happy. Most of the movie parts are predictable, but still it will surprise you. The last line of the movie is so perfect, I was thinking that in the end , she will give a good long speech , but two words just made it perfect "Thank you" and left the guy speechless. This movie shows that how every Indian girl is raised with prejudice or judgment that this is wrong and this is right, but when you see the world you will realize , we are no one to judge anyone. Must watch, chiller.
vivansainger I love this movie because the beauty of Kangna ranaut and Europe. I feel like in Europe and after watching the movie,and believe me immediately i start to prepare itinerary for Europe visit.Vikas behl is very fine to shoot some best Europe.OK OK i stop to be greedy for Europe.Return to movie main character Rani, she is in pain for incomplete marriage. It was shock for her, but i like the way the story twisted from there, Rani came try to came out from this pain by taking bold decision of solo honeymoon. Yes it is a new term introduced here.But it really works for Rani and us, Coz it gets Rani out of pain and let her to be more confident and it also let us to enjoy Europe in 2 dimensioned screen.Best movie and better it is called as best movie based on travel.Great job by Kangana and VikasMust watch