Qayamat: City Under Threat

4.8| 2h37m| en| More Info
Released: 11 July 2003 Released
Producted By: Prime Focus
Country: India
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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CBI Officer Akram Sheikh is on the verge of nabbing three dreaded Pakistan-backed arms dealers, the brothers Ali and Abbas and their common moll Laila. When Sheikh busts an important arms deal conducted by his three targets, Ali-Abbas join forces with Gopal, a corrupt scientist to get hold of a deadly virus and take the tourists at the Elphinstone Jail resort as hostage. Akram Sheikh is now compelled to get help from Rachit, a criminal serving jail time who was a former associate of Ali-Abbas and the only person in history to have successfully escaped the Elphinstone jail . Along with a commando team, they try to pull off a rescue attempt by breaking in the jail and rescuing the hostages.

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Prime Focus


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