What a mess.
Want to go crazy? Watch this movieI'd say this is the worst Adam Sandler movie by lightyears.
Could be classified as his experimental for acting, could be government propaganda, or could be a complete failure. Or all threeWould not recommend to anyone.
To be honest, it was hard to pay attention to any of the insipid or confusing plot lines because of the absolutely bizarre sound track!
An almost constant cacophony of stupid music at seemingly inappropriate times.
I had to turn it off as it was driving me insane!
The whole film smacks of someone trying to be cool and edgy - but failing. Miserably.
Punch-drunk love is really good. It's flawless. From the great acting, great cinematography, great dialogue, and an unexpectedly great score. There are plenty of subtle moments in the film. For example the clothes of the characters perfectly reflect their character. Adam Sandler's character wears a blue suit, representing his current state of depression which he would like to keep a secret, while Emily Watson's character has a red dress, which represents an inner anger and rage from previous failed attempts at love, that Adam Sandler constantly tries to acquire for the whole film. Everything in this film is done so great. This film's score made this movie feel like a musical. It's amazing. Everyone needs to at least watch the film once. Paul Thomas Anderson is one the best directors currently working
Hate these characters and the plot. But what is even worse is the soundtrack. For some viewers perhaps it is engaging to see Adam Sandler in this role or they are intrigued by the quirky story but this was not an enjoyable movie experience. No resemblance to real life or real people.